Own Pictures Thread

Yes, in most cases if somebody has a disproportionate reaction to a joke, one might say they "have a stick up their arse". Would you mind explaining what the hell your point is in that sentence?

Joe's comment was unwarranted. Was it really all that bad that Warheart responded with a stfu?

I lol'd for something like 10 minutes. Did you do it yourself ?
I lol'd for something like 10 minutes. Did you do it yourself ?
Yeah. I made the snowman, and then my brother suggested painting it...so I did. :) Took me a couple tries to get the right food coloring mix for the grey/black...but I think it came out okay overall :p
Joe made a remark about his cock hungry face (ok, I admit I lol'd) and Mitch got upset. You are saying he is the one with the stick up his ass? I know I am just continuing the argument by posting this but I feel like it isn't right that everyone is turning on him.

Well, everyone is just sharing the sentiment that he is overreacting. It's happened a few times before as well, so I'm guessing that's why they've 'turned' on him.

That doesn't even make any fucking sense.
:lol: I didn't think so but I spent a while trying to figure out what the fuck he said :lol:

Joe's comment was unwarranted. Was it really all that bad that Warheart responded with a stfu?

Well, I wouldn't say it was unwarranted. I made a small joke about Alexis, and then Eli made a small joke about me (trying to ask why I was looking at his crotch was obviously implying I am gay) and then I had a comeback to her joke. This is why COBOT is full of drama and bullshit, it's because instead of taking funny jokes at your expense and turning them around on the other party, people get butthurt, report and cause a big argument. I won't make any funny remarks about Mitch, god forbid I take the piss out of him a bit.
i was the only one who realized the irony of people getting serious about the fact that Mitch got serious?

i was the only one who realized the irony of people getting serious about the fact that Mitch got serious?


Was I the only one who realised the irony of vikk getting serious about people getting serious about the fact that Mitch got serious?
Was I the only one who realised the irony of vikk getting serious about people getting serious about the fact that Mitch got serious?

Was I the only one who realised the irony of Josh getting serious about me getting serious about people getting serious about the fact that Mitch got serious?
Well, I wouldn't say it was unwarranted. I made a small joke about Alexis, and then Eli made a small joke about me (trying to ask why I was looking at his crotch was obviously implying I am gay) and then I had a comeback to her joke. This is why COBOT is full of drama and bullshit, it's because instead of taking funny jokes at your expense and turning them around on the other party, people get butthurt, report and cause a big argument. I won't make any funny remarks about Mitch, god forbid I take the piss out of him a bit.

Yuuup. Who would have guessed COBOT is full of a bunch of angsty teen pussies who cry and get their feelings hurt at the slightest comment in their direction? Most of the girls on this board have more balls and emotional stability on PMS than the regulars at the board. The fact Mitch felt the need to stand up for himself would imply a stick up his ass, or some broken glassware.

Too many of the cunts on this board are insecure shits, who think they have to defend some kind of reputation their made up name has, as if this were some shitty high school hallway.

Anyone who dissagrees can fight me at the Flagpole at 4pm. I wont be there because I'm not a 17 year old fuck defending my rep, but feel free to wait for me there, freeze, and die.