Own Pictures Thread

The glass of beer suits you a bit more ;)
Have you been around Frankfurt? I´m curious because of the brand.

Ive been to Frankfurt, though this picture was taken just south of it, place not too far away from Mannheim.

Oh and I need to tell Necro that I went through his town of Baden Baden or Karlsruhe (I cant actually remember which one if either he comes from) - one of the two anyway.

Theres a really unusual mixture of appeller (sp) and coca cola. I think it tastes like rape, but Deutschies dig it.

Sorry, cut and dried opinions.

I had higher hopes for you. :erk:

(Or do you have forgotten this one? ;)
Would be nice. )

I dont quite follow, but sorry to disappoint.
Ive been to Frankfurt, though this picture was taken just south of it, place not too far away from Mannheim.

Oh and I need to tell Necrö :D that I went through his town of Baden Baden or Karlsruhe (I cant actually remember which one if either he comes from) - one of the two anyway.

You seem to have been not really far away from where I live. Karlsruhe´s my hometown btw :) My parents still live there.
You seem to have stayed not really far away from where I live. Karlsruhe´s my hometown btw :) My parents still live there.

Its a nice town. I will most certainly be back. Im in Bundesrepublik something like a week before Wacken for two weeks. Questing from Weinheim via Frankfurt right up to the grim north - Hamburg and beyond to Wacken. I love train questing, but the week after Wacken I might check a few towns out.
You´re gonna see the nicest parts of Germany then :) (I already hear snowy laughing, sorry man ;) ) I still haven´t seen Hamburg myself, but I hope to go there right after visiting Bremen in July.
Berlin´s also on my "visiting list". Maybe next year, I already did Mainz and Cologne and will do Bitburg/Gerolstein, Bremen, Vienna and maybe Hamburg, that´s enough for one year.
You´re gonna see the nicest parts of Germany then :) (I already hear snowy laughing, sorry man ;) ) I still haven´t seen Hamburg myself, but I hope to go there right after visiting Bremen in July.

Reperbahn'd like a motherfucker!

Ive been to Hamburg, I liked it alot. I also liked Lubeck too! Its a moated town which I thought was really interesting. Not sure if we have any of them in the UK apart from Tewkesbury in April (when it floods to shit).
^^ I just lol´d because you can´t use the nice Umlaute anymore ;)
^Yeah I´m looking forward to Bremen too, will be awesome. Especially if you know people who can get you to those parts which a "normal tourist" won´t know.
Someone tell us how much they hate Berlin to make that fellow feel better about getting educated in summer school (sounds like some form of religious muck which incarcerate minors in dorms and force you to wank to 50+ year old fat ugly nuns).
Germany is still on my list as a whole. Should be visiting it all in a couple of years when I'm there with the erasmus thing to improve my atm incredibly lame german. Should be a really nice year. My parents are already aware and ok with the fact that I won't come with more than 3-4 subjects passed, but it's ok as long as I get my german going. Which is btw a must if I want to enjoy Germany 100%.

Btw I have a question: what's up with the fucking beer+cola? I have a friend from germany here and he's like addicted to it. I don't see what's so good about it :erk: