He caught the aids AFTER I accidentally kissed him at a party I swear.
Me too. Where abouts?
I tested Alexi 600 before I tested this Jackson JS30KE
(I look like a big tard = I'm consentrating)
and I thought the Al-600 was way better to play on, much better to sit with and it looks a lot cooler too
That's my opinion, but what do I know, cuz I don't know nothing about guitars
Well, at least I've tested them, and I know which is better to play on. Sound and strings and such... I have no clue about that
(I'll get help from Ensi)
It was awesome to play the Al-600 tho, cuz I've never done that.
Literally just next to the edge of London.
Where are all the North England COB fans eh? Oh thats right I'm the only northern english person who knows how to "internet".
Where are all the North England COB fans eh? Oh thats right I'm the only northern english person who knows how to "internet".
of course i am. i have no internet at home anymore, and the library closed down. I'm at my friends house on his laptop.
Happy birfday, btw.
Oh my.... better stop looking in this thread, i get so confused when i get "a face" on someone, it's better if you just imagine everyone like i imagine the_phenom: Fat mexican that speeks half fluent finnish!