Own Pictures Thread

Cliff loves to start shit.

Meh, I generally leave the forum on, and do most of my work in my apartment. When I walk up to my computer a screen will be left on, ill press F5, and brows for a quick 5min, and will generally respond honestly. Usually jokingly, but I don't add ":p" or "imho" at the end of every post to save people from thinking that same inane bullshit I type out is fact (I assume people are mature enough to know the difference)

I dislike Slayer, that's my opinion on them (many agreed). I dislike the bands Chris likes, and that's my reasoning.
I'm sure the man is mature enough that it really doesn't affect him on a day to day basis.

"waaahh he thinks differently than me...its instantly a fight, or 'shit' to be started".
And I'm the immature one :p
As I've stated many times to many people, I don't begrudge anyone their opinions, nor do I expect everyone to like the same stuff as me. It's not my place to judge anyone based on their music taste. However, I also don't think it's anyone's place to judge anyone else based on their music taste. That's why I react so strongly when you get on my case about my taste. The music I listen to does not dictate the person I am. And it's not a fight or shit to be started unless insults me directly. Example:

So did you have a sign "Will work for Kerry King's seamen" ?

MTV Metal Is pure shit, you have the taste of a 12 year old.

You make statements about maturity after shit like that? Memo to pot: this is kettle, you're black too.

Lastly, my complete play history is in my iTunes. If you want to know my music taste fully, I'll be more than happy to give you a full listing of every artist in my iTunes and show you just how diverse my music taste really is.
this slayer discussion is gheyzor, they have a couple good songs, they influence a lot of people, they helped the scene alot. BUT theres about a million way better thrash metal bands (destruction, vio-lence, savatage, kreator, testament etc. etc. etc.)

Well, don't know anything about slayer but i'm quite sure of that you've not been able to stop the discussion, rather the opposite i'm afraid.
Meh, I generally leave the forum on, and do most of my work in my apartment. When I walk up to my computer a screen will be left on, ill press F5, and brows for a quick 5min, and will generally respond honestly. Usually jokingly, but I don't add ":p" or "imho" at the end of every post to save people from thinking that same inane bullshit I type out is fact (I assume people are mature enough to know the difference)

I dislike Slayer, that's my opinion on them (many agreed). I dislike the bands Chris likes, and that's my reasoning.
I'm sure the man is mature enough that it really doesn't affect him on a day to day basis.

"waaahh he thinks differently than me...its instantly a fight, or 'shit' to be started".
And I'm the immature one :p

you sound almost 99% like this guy..

No-one's expecting you to listen to it. But good music is good music regardless of what a few faggot listeners think of it.
Slayer is influential as fuck, and wrote a lot of badass headbangin' thrash tunes.

Saying slayer is good music is tantamount to saying paris hilton is the ensign to the bright minds behind the technological marvels in profusion in the year 2135.

Or, to put it bluntly. Good music-bad music is opinion most of the time (except when it's music I like, then it's good music and everyone who disagrees is a FAGGOT and a DOOSHBAG).
Saying slayer is good music is tantamount to saying paris hilton is the ensign to the bright minds behind the technological marvels in profusion in the year 2135.

Or, to put it bluntly. Good music-bad music is opinion most of the time (except when it's music I like, then it's good music and everyone who disagrees is a FAGGOT and a DOOSHBAG).

Remember, The Butt is a 13 year old that thinks Blooddrunk is a good album and listens to pig squeel core. 80% of COBOT is comprised of people just like him. Chris included, even though he is 22 :lol:
Remember, The Butt is a 13 year old that thinks Blooddrunk is a good album and listens to pig squeel core. 80% of COBOT is comprised of people just like him. Chris included, even though he is 22 :lol:

Strangely I AM 13 and my taste in music is more like you'd expect of someone Chris's age :lol:
Me and two other friends have all fallen asleep during a slayer concert on separate occasions.



Me drunk as fuck at about 3am @Sonisphere festival after rawking oot for about 4 straight hours.

Clearly I was ina good state.
As I've stated many times to many people, I don't begrudge anyone their opinions, nor do I expect everyone to like the same stuff as me. It's not my place to judge anyone based on their music taste. However, I also don't think it's anyone's place to judge anyone else based on their music taste.

I agree with you about that!

And I'm really upset with the rough tone prevailed between the users in this forum. Strange.
^sind halt alles, wie der Gangsta sagen würde, 'Opfer hier, und jeder der hier herkommt das das cool is und daraus wird dann son Forum voller (wie ich sagen würde) Wichser die man nicht ernstnehmen kann. Nicht im geringsten und jeder.

and I think most of the people here look like Jeff Albertson:

Und damit nicht gleich wieder der Ruf nach Adolf laut wird - für alle Nicht-Deutschsprachigen:

It's time to leave? I guess. ;)
stell mir das so knuffig vor. son 15 jähriger der mir hier in Berlin vor der nase rumläuft und die ganze zeit den namen ruft :/
stell mir das so knuffig vor. son 15 jähriger der mir hier in Berlin vor der nase rumläuft und die ganze zeit den namen ruft :/

i fucking knew it