Own Pictures Thread

I pretty quickly decided that long hair wasn't for me when it got to the length where it was below my nipples. Sure long hair is fun for a while, but eventually it gets tiresome and annoying. Not to mention the fact that it immediately causes social alienation. Not that I'm advocating conformity, but I soon realised that there was no point in having long hair just because it's "metal" when I no longer enjoyed the hair or the social awkwardness it caused. Besides, what is long hair, band shirts and leather jackets other than another type of conformity? When it comes down to it "looking metal" is just another uniform.
Good point, but we all knew that already (I hope). I keep my long hair because I think I look better with it than without it, it's a pain but I like it and feel it suits me.

Anyways, pic from last night. Internet superheroes ftw.

Besides, what is long hair, band shirts and leather jackets other than another type of conformity? When it comes down to it "looking metal" is just another uniform.

Kids are more comfortable wearing the shit their friends wear, because they are too insecure to have an opinion about anything.
Hence cliques. Hence fagotry.
I pretty quickly decided that long hair wasn't for me when it got to the length where it was below my nipples. Sure long hair is fun for a while, but eventually it gets tiresome and annoying. Not to mention the fact that it immediately causes social alienation. Not that I'm advocating conformity, but I soon realised that there was no point in having long hair just because it's "metal" when I no longer enjoyed the hair or the social awkwardness it caused. Besides, what is long hair, band shirts and leather jackets other than another type of conformity? When it comes down to it "looking metal" is just another uniform.

the question is :
how long has hair to be to be called long hair :p
Some people can pull off looking good with long hair. I couldn't.

I mean, extremely recent pic, from thursday or something:


My hair simply doesn't work with my face when long.
:lol: Thanks you guys, I'ma sex you both :blush:

@vikk: don't ask me, this year we have the incredible mark of SEVEN women. 90 people, seven women. Almost a record.