Own Pictures Thread

I pretty quickly decided that long hair wasn't for me when it got to the length where it was below my nipples. Sure long hair is fun for a while, but eventually it gets tiresome and annoying. Not to mention the fact that it immediately causes social alienation. Not that I'm advocating conformity, but I soon realised that there was no point in having long hair just because it's "metal" when I no longer enjoyed the hair or the social awkwardness it caused. Besides, what is long hair, band shirts and leather jackets other than another type of conformity? When it comes down to it "looking metal" is just another uniform.

Agree'd, hence why I've now cut mine off since all it did was annoy the fuck out of me every day EXCEPT when at a gig...which is like...once a year. Back in the day, it was all I wanted, but after 7 years, it was more than enough.
Agree'd, hence why I've now cut mine off since all it did was annoy the fuck out of me every day EXCEPT when at a gig...which is like...once a year. Back in the day, it was all I wanted, but after 7 years, it was more than enough.

Especially after riding your bike, huh? Fuck, it's god damned awful trying to brush your hair out after an hour or two of riding. x_x
To be honest, I hate most metal heads who think metal is the only genre around.
They should seriously grow up. There's too much good music in the world that it's ludicrous to just stick to one genre.
Meh, long hair is cool. It's the epitome of laziness - cut it once in 1-2 years as opposed to months. Not to mention that it saves money. Keeps you head warm in winter. etc... Ergo, long hair is actually pretty practical, if you get used to it.

Not to mention the fact that it immediately causes social alienation.

Pff, bullshit. You need to get better at dealing with people, I guess, if a change in appearance ruins your life.
Meh, long hair is cool. It's the epitome of laziness - cut it once in 1-2 years as opposed to months. Not to mention that it saves money. Keeps you head warm in winter. etc... Ergo, long hair is actually pretty practical, if you get used to it.

Pff, bullshit. You need to get better at dealing with people, I guess, if a change in appearance ruins your life.

All these things would make sense, if you yourself didn't look like a total slag. Its hard to take you seriously, with these comments, when you look horrible. Its common knowledge that you will be treated different based on how you look, I for one can attest to this with life experience. If you cut your hair every 6 months, you are NOT putting in the effort it takes to have good looking long hair, and thus you are not used to having it and keeping it well.

I've seen what you look like, your hair is ratty and full of split-ends dude. The point is to keep it clean and neat, which takes a lot of time and effort. You don't put any of that in, so you don't realize why having long hair is such a hassle.

As for the last comment. You also don't have friends or talk to real people who can see you, so invalid. If you did, you'd know what a 'first impression' is, and how hard they can be to overcome. You can be the nicest person in the world, but if you look like an enemy from Harry Potter most people wont want to hear what you say.

Edit: and your a fucking man, its not practical at all.
Our bodies are built for hunting, fighting, and war. So why have hair that can be grabbed, snagged on bushes, obscure your vision, or get full of bugs and stink?

Stop looking like a pussy.
Pff, bullshit. You need to get better at dealing with people, I guess, if a change in appearance ruins your life.

Do you even have a basic understanding in Psychology? One of the first things you study in the Psychology of relationships is that first impressions are often based solely on appearance and that first impression will significantly influence how people approach you and get to know you further.

No matter how amicable, friendly or socially confident you are. If you meet someone for the first time with long hair wearing a band-shirt covered in blood and gore, that person will immediately single you out as being strange. And that will influence what they think of you even AFTER they've gotten to know you "properly". Simply because you're not similar to the social norms they're used to.

I'd LOVE to say that gushy phrases like "don't judge a book by it's cover" and "it's what's on the inside that matters" are how people think. But that would be lying. First impressions are everything and in a capitalist materialistic society, appearance greatly influences first impressions.

If you think otherwise then you're living in a dream world.

Wow... How depressing.
Pfft. Cliff seems to know more about me than most other people. Which means that he's either a stalker, or troll. Or maybe both. So I'm not even gonna bother to respond to that load of shit.

@SWABS: Well, you have a point. We're just talking hair at this point though, and one can still look presentable for the "capitalist materialistic society" with long hair if necessary. On that level, anyway.

As far as interpersonal relationships go, though, while first impressions matter, people who are unable to get over them because they're really stuck up about some social norms are fucking douchebags not worth my time. I simply can't stand anyone with a stick up their ass anyway. Thankfully, I have known a plenty of people almost directly opposite from that, and I can say I'm fully content about having relationships with this kind of people only, while ignoring the rest.

ITT: weeaboo trolls the pros (albeit, inadvertantly).

It's been working better and better lately. I think I've been getting better at it. Can I haz cookie?
Pfft. Cliff seems to know more about me than most other people. Which means that he's either a stalker, or troll. Or maybe both. So I'm not even gonna bother to respond to that load of shit.

I will state that yes, I do know more about what you look like than you do. People always see themselves differently compared to what the world sees.