Own Pictures Thread

You know Cliff, judging the rest of the world from your own bad experiences doesn't help you a bit. If you think that by pouring your anger out on the online forums about how everyone is a dick, and trying to persuade people they have no firends isn't gonna help you get any of your own. You may need to see a psychiatrist. Wanna talk about it?

As far as music goes, last time I checked, the audiences IRL liked my performances and I don't think there's more one could care about - certainly not about what a bunch of fags online think about some crappy Youtube videos

Let me just first lol at that last bit. You're only audience is crappy youtube fags online :lol: *sigh* anyway.

I don't need to work at getting friends on my own :lol:. I've developed a strong personality from not having much of an image as a youngster...and now I'm attractive as fuck (and can cook), so I'm pretty much the total package right here :p.

I mearly made fun of your hair to help, although it may not have seemed that way. I don't consider myself someone who pours out hatred, I mearly state my opinion here, and it often happens to be the opposite of what many posters here think. Its probably why I keep coming back, I consider the community here so different from what I experience on a regular basis (as in, I don't talk to hipsters, weeaboo fucks, Joe, or teenagers irl).


My point was, your hair looks like shit in your pictures and videos, and I think you would do much better without it. Many people who see you will think you look like shit, and you'll soon come to realize how nice it is to be complimented on how you look. I assure you, its pretty neat, though gets a bit thin after a while. : /
man he gathers all the metalheads around him. his look is his sieve,made up to filter out the possibilty of meeting some person who doesnt share his look.
Keep your hair, dude!

it wont make a difference. :-*
I don't need to work at getting friends on my own . I've developed a strong personality from not having much of an image as a youngster...and now I'm attractive as fuck (and can cook), so I'm pretty much the total package right here .

To rephrase Undefined from last page: "He sees a powerful, skilled man with a brilliant mind and a dashing appearance. The rest of the world sees an ugly-ass presumptuous faggot". So, err, good luck with your imaginary friends :rolleyes: With luck, maybe you'll become a serving boy to some ugly chick in her 80s :lol: At least that's the impression I'm getting from the two photos of you I've seen around here, and the stuff you post, and that's more that enough for me to form a pretty clear picture of the kind of person you are.

But aww, it's so nice for you to offer kind-hearted free-of-charge advice on the Interwebz, I'm almost touched. Or not, cause you're acting like a total douche and should just GTFO, srsly.
I don't need to work at getting friends on my own :lol:. I've developed a strong personality from not having much of an image as a youngster...and now I'm attractive as fuck (and can cook), so I'm pretty much the total package right here :p.

Don't forget about your enormous penis.

I mearly made fun of your hair to help, although it may not have seemed that way.

Perhaps it's not so much what you're trying to say, but the way you say it. I don't expect that you really care, but I would agree that much of what you say sounds harsh. You may "help" more if you just phrased things differently. Eh...
Yes you are :oops:

To rephrase Undefined from last page: "He sees a powerful, skilled man with a brilliant mind and a dashing appearance. The rest of the world sees an ugly-ass presumptuous faggot". So, err, good luck with your imaginary friends :rolleyes: With luck, maybe you'll become a serving boy to some ugly chick in her 80s :lol: At least that's the impression I'm getting from the two photos of you I've seen around here, and the stuff you post, and that's more that enough for me to form a pretty clear picture of the kind of person you are.

But aww, it's so nice for you to offer kind-hearted free-of-charge advice on the Interwebz, I'm almost touched. Or not, cause you're acting like a total douche and should just GTFO, srsly.

Cook =/= server. I don't get how pictures of me can be translated into "sex slave for the elderly", you don't really have any solid evidence supporting that.

anyway, it was help indeed, sometimes people need to see what other see, sometimes its nice to leave your little world.

Oh, and being a douche is not a valid reason to gtfo the internet. Being buthurt is.
Being buthurt is.

Well, there's your reason then ^__^ Otherwise I don't see why you've been trying to consistently, uhm, "help" me in about every thread I post lately. Otherwise, a case or unrequited love, maybe, but sorry I'm not into homosexual stuff.

you don't really have any solid evidence supporting that

...aaand while your sarcasm-detector seems to be out of battery, you do manage to say exactly what I'm thinking. I mean, it's cool that you have some sort of divine insight into my life, but frankly it's just full of shit. In fact I don't know why I'm still talking to you now that the fun-shitstorm seems to be over. As for your attitude... Essen's comment about your penis-wars says it all.
>the last pages

*sigh* some people just can't take the truth about themselves when its something upsetting.
Oh well, I imagine hes only 17-20, he'll grow up.


some people just can't take the truth about themselves when its something upsetting.

Oh but you're so special and different from everyone else :rolleyes:

Personally, I would advise someone to lose weight before worrying about their hair. But that's just me. Plus, bad hair can't kill you.

That's why I'm not worried about my hair. The rest of the board seems to be, though. I feel somewhat flattered actually, but it's all in vain since my hair is actually very healthy ;)

Also, nobody ever commented on my stage pic from a few pages back cause everyone was worried about penis hair, so here's a repost:

Lawl, that'd be a hugeass metronome. But now that you say it, it does look like that from this angle :lol: