Own Pictures Thread

White knight detected

Bombay Bicycle Club are still fucking awesome though regardless of how big they get... Aaaanyway, wrong thread for this :p

Well why has a Band to be/get worse if they start to sell albums or are well received? :p
My cousin, his wife, my boyfriend and a dude from Scream Magazine is eye- and earwitness that he said it. Belive what you want to belive Swabbie. You weren't there so... And for the record, I'm turning 18 in 2nd of June.

the dead one? might have been jealous the poor bloke :(

and wow,shit you're so old... :lol:!
I'm jealous. :heh:

Ionna man, I kind of disagree :p

You don't need to defend yourself. I don't know why everyone is giving you a hard time :p as they like to point out "you're 12" so I think that it's obvious that in their minds they see you as someone immature and therefore your post is typical and should not bother them :lol:

But really, as long as you had fun who gives a fuck. You wanted to share your experience, that's cool. Might not be particularly interesting to some but they don't need to read. Seems like the line between poking fun and actual asshole behaviour is getting blurred by some.

I could not agree more. I just wanted to share this experience with you guys : )

Here you go Killer

the dead one? might have been jealous the poor bloke :(

and wow,shit you're so old... :lol:!

"the dead one" :lol:lol: Thanks for the laugh snowy!
I'm soon to be a big girl :Saint:

So fucking jealous. Kamelot are one of my favourite bands :3 <3

:D Cool ^^
Ur so naive I forgot to lol.


And btw,m my cousin sent me another picture, and I almost fell off my chair ;p Liked this picture more than the previous one: