Indefinite Entity
Fuck abs. Not hard to build up your abs, just need DAT LOW BF%... I just added 40lbs to my squat this week.
Fuck abs. Not hard to build up your abs, just need DAT LOW BF%..
I do over extended ones on the reverse sit up machines too, problem housewifefag?^Situps is for faggots, gl with yo back
Crunches for teh winz
Leg raises and weighted ab machines as well, fuck yeah.Crunches are for stay at home moms, enjoy your not abs.
Fuck abs. Not hard to build up your abs, just need DAT LOW BF%... I just added 40lbs to my squat this week.
I've been lifting for about a year (on and off, admittedly). I know about form, I know about resting, I know what to do to target areas, and ect. I was not asking "should I rest!?" because that is a dumbass question.
The article way saying, the more you are able to lift, the longer you should be resting. So a beginner would have one rest day, where a massive behemoth should be resting the muscles 2-3 days...because the bigger muscles will have bigger tears, simply due to having a larger surface area.
The fuck? What are abs made of in your mind??
lol @ hijacking this thread again.
incoming shitstorm warning.
A massive behemoth lifting 50kg on each side on bench press needs no more rest than a skinny guy lifting 5 on each side, because to each muscles' the weight requires a similar ammount of effort, that's why you train them, to be able to do more with the same effort.
Muscle energy is a different thing. The amount of effort is the same, each person is burning the same amount of calories in the lift. However, the size of the tear will be bigger...thus more rest is needed to heal the muscle, not more rest needed to have the energy to lift again. Calorie output vs tissue damage, you're talking something completely different brah.
NEW RULE: If you don't lift consistently every week SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Own Pictures Thread = /fit/
you should get this one