Own Pictures Thread

Final_Product said:
Yeah, well that attitude is retarded, but understandable.

Yank, to me, means American.

agreed it is retarded, the south has its fair share of assholes as well.

But for alot of people the south is more then just where they live, its a state of mind.

Im getting a little too philosophical now though. cause the really only real difference between people from the south and the north is that people from the south listen to lynard skynard...

Its kinda funny that were discussing this because my mom is from Ohio, and my dad is from Florida, Me and my dad call my moms side of the family a bunch of yankees. But people from other countrys call me a yank all the time so im kinda used to it. We just need a new word for people from the north lol.
yea, nobody is alive from the civil war, i think it should be renambered just stoped being bitched about.

I guess the closest thing i can compared it to is the attitude of ireland or scotland toward england.
Me dressed in one of ours traditionals costumes. We are triying to imitate the Spaniards :p


Im in the middle
I was just calling them pussies and that scots are better.. personally I don't really go for the whole this person is better than this person because everyone has had their time of badassedness... to me there is only one superior group of people, and that is the Swedes