Own Pictures

AMON AMARTH, HYPOCRISY, UNLEASHED,DISMEMBER and GOD DETHRONED are great Death Metal bands to me cause they infuse the melody and brutality perfectly and actually make real songs as apposed to just a mash of hyperspeed riffs put together and unintelligable grunts over the top.
The whole NILE/SUFFOCATION kind of thing to me just gets old too quick.
But hey that's just my opinion and i am more of a Power Metal fan anyways.:)
Oh yeah and greetings from OZ, i haven't dropped by in awhile. What have i missed?

Halloweeen! I was dressed as Abbath from Immortal. This picture was taken at like 3am. Corpsepaint had been in place for around 8 hours and I was steaming and had been headbanging...hence awful hair.


I'm waiting on my friend uploading some pictures from her phone. They look MUCH better quality than mines and you can see my costume better XD

xx Kirsty
cool pics xD UURRRRGGHHH!!! Black metal!!! xD I suppose you did dress like that before kirsty in normal states as well;) otherwise you wouldn't burn money on that bracer eh?;) I've got one too though xD >.<