Own Pictures

Hi there, been away from the forum for a long time, so il get back in by posting 2 pics of myself as compensation ^_^

Both taken on a school trip



EDIT - Now that i see it, i registered but never gotten to actually post something. Oh well
Welcome friend!

I want to post a pic of myself, but i recently had my hair cut shorter (it was only shoulder length anyway) and i dont wanna post any photos until its at least a decent length.

Annoying, i know.
Welcome friend!

I want to post a pic of myself, but i recently had my hair cut shorter (it was only shoulder length anyway) and i dont wanna post any photos until its at least a decent length.

Annoying, i know.

If your hair doesn't have highlights and not down to your ass, don't even bother posting your picture, I'm not interested...


How long would that take to grow it down to your ass anyways? haha Oh yeah, and Kirsty was right, stop being a girl ;)
Shudup both of you :p

It was almost at my shoulders (the longest its ever been) but ihad to get it cut shorter because i have to wear a hat every day cos im in the 30 - 40 degree sun all day, and it gets uncomfortable if its long.