Own Recordings

FallingDownInRuins said:
nice song i really liked it!
did you actually recorded this drums or it was sampled midi?
also do you mind if i will try to create bass line to it?
there is a bass line in it, its just not super loud, just enough to fatten it up, right down the center. and the drums are just drumkit from hell 2, programmed by me
hey, I just woke up, and VAMP2 didnt work anymore.
I downloaded GuitarRig and I actually recomand it, it was better than what I expected. Really good amps and studio effects, even better that VAMP2 for recording and stuff (for me...).
I wanna try GuitarPort or GuitarTone.. lets see what it happen.

What do you guys think about all this stuff ?
Elysian893 said:
i've tried guitar rig, i thought it was kind of meh... real odd about your vamp, maybe the power supply died?

actually the power supply is alive. But when I connect my guitar, vamp does not react, I mean for exemple the tuner doesnt recive my guitar, etc. And the jack its 100% running. :hotjump:
lots more work went into it too... 3 different takes per part, it took me about an hour just to record the whole thing lol... mixed 3 different patches on my vamp together for that one, then bbe and compression
I just made this a sec ago, it's really short and just a part of a Noumena song. Just tell me how I can improve (on the recording and playing). I just started playing guitar about 2 months ago. I didn't try to make it perfect, I just wanted to see what it would sound like.


The link might not work idk I've never uploaded anything using that before.