Ozone 5

I'll be getting the regular one for the time being. Advanced has cool stuff but nothing that will make or break a mix/master.
I'll be picking up Ozone 5 regular too. I'm cool with what it has. If it does sound better than Ozone 4 then I will be rightly impressed. I love Ozone 4.
anyone else noticed its nowhere near as loud as 4?!

I got the advanced version. And all i can say is my masters are louder, and have more dynamics/punch.

It actually sounds like i have backed off the limiter, but at the same time it's louder.

how rad is the post eq!
Even though I'm copying my ozone 4 settings its just nowhere near as loud! How are you guys doing this?!
I don't have any loudness issues with 5 Advanced, that shit is badass.

I didn't just copy my 4 settings though, I mean, it's not 4. It's not going to sound exactly the same with the same settings.
Obviously that goes without saying but with the same gain staging etc I have to pull the threshold MUCH farther down which in turn squashes it, unfortunately till I get to the bottom of this ozone is a no go for me
RichMinerva, this is strange man, I got exactly the same loudness on the same settings Ozone 4 vs 5. It must be some setting, maybe in one of the other effects in Ozone? I'm demo-ing the Advanced version at the moment btw. It's amazing how far it (the limiter) can be pushed without distorting (not that I need that much myself, but it's always cool to have some reserve), and it also sounds alot better (clear!). Still it is a bit expensive for me, so I wanna try the Basic version too and see if it's just as good in terms of sound quality. I don't really need the extra options, although the seperate plugins are very cool. Also like the harmonic exciter more, I think this is actually nice to use on a mix contrary to the Ozone 4 version. The reverb is also nice, but not neccesary. Don't care about the rest too much, for now.
I was actually plannIng on buying this, but 1000$? Did avid buy ozone?

it's $399 if you had ozone 4, and $599 new price until december, if you're going to get it i'd get it now.

plus when you think about it, it will replace alot of plugins too now with it possible to load each module as it's own plugin. multiband dynamic, a rad eq etc. it can be used alot more in mixing now too, not just mastering. even the reverbs are cool.
Obviously that goes without saying but with the same gain staging etc I have to pull the threshold MUCH farther down which in turn squashes it, unfortunately till I get to the bottom of this ozone is a no go for me

I thought I taught you how to do this.

Seriously, Ozone 5 is amazing.
I can go on and on how much better it is than previous version while making shit even louder and sounding like there is still a bit of headroom.
it's $399 if you had ozone 4, and $599 new price until december, if you're going to get it i'd get it now.

plus when you think about it, it will replace alot of plugins too now with it possible to load each module as it's own plugin. multiband dynamic, a rad eq etc. it can be used alot more in mixing now too, not just mastering. even the reverbs are cool.

Yeah, but that's only 2weeks to come up with 600$....I'm not that liquid:)
Why not use the whole plugin for mixing and only engage the components you need? I get why you'd want the separate plugs but it's really no big deal if you can't afford the advanced version yet you want to use Ozone for mixing.
Why not use the whole plugin for mixing and only engage the components you need? I get why you'd want the separate plugs but it's really no big deal if you can't afford the advanced version yet you want to use Ozone for mixing.

I could be wrong here but i think when you do that, it would destroy your cpu. loading just the eq in its own plugin is different to loading the whole ozone and bypassing some fx.


i remember on my old pc i could load maybe 3 ozone 4's and then things would start to cause trouble. i'm sure this new way will allow you to get the components you need for your mix without stealing all the cpu power. if this is not the case, however, i am with you to say it's not necessary.
If you're on some old laptop maybe but on any contemporary quad you should be able to easily use a couple of instances of the plugin on every track and get away with it. Unless you're trying to monitor a track with minimum latency via the DAW, obviously.
Those 599$ are only for US customers apparently...
Germans have to pay 555€ (750$) for the intro offer!!!!!

Still, bit the bullet and bought it.
It better rocks at least as much as my finalizer!!!
^Could've downloaded the 10-day demo, but I doubt you'll regret it. Just give it some time if you're not used to how it works.
When I bought my upgrade I just changed the currency to USD and it worked fine. I just checked and it still lets you do that. Something is seriously wrong with their currency conversion, if you put in Aussie dollars it come up as [FONT=arial, helvetica]$622.46 AUD where in reality $599 USD is more like $590 AUD.