
no they shouldn't, ozzfest is for stupid gay emo or hardcore metal bands on second stage (this year though they had lacuna coil i think) and then on main stage like legends. Wacken or Dynamo or something like that is for bands like cob.
Ya that would be cool to see them on the main stage, it would boost record sales and give them more recognition in the states. If Dimmu Borgir can do it, Im sure Children could too, they could outjam Dimmu anyday. I did see Dimmu on the mainstage at Ozzfest, and their sound was crappy you couldnt even hear the synths.
dimmu are also much much much more famous than cob and toured a gig headlining where cob supported and that was one of the only times i have seen a non legend band on the main stage. you'd be lucky if they got on second stage and even then they wouldn't fit in with the other bands and it would be kinda dumb. at all the european festivals they have like powermetal bands i would assume and melodeath stuff so they fit in. here its a hell of a lot different.
Yeah I would hate to see Bodom at ozzfest. not because of selling out or anything. but because the people who go there to see some of those gayass newmetal bands wouldnt get it. they'd be like 'keyboards whaa?", "no rapping whaa?". bodom would just be out of place. i felt they were out of place on their tour with lamb of god, fear factory and throwdown...despite what the band members themselves said about the lineup. it would just be worse at ozzfest.
I can guarantee you if they were ever offered any spot at Ozzfest, Alexi in particular would jump at the oppitunity.

Concidering Ozzy and Zakk and two of his all time heros. I doubt he would turn down the offer.

It would also gain them a lot of recognition in the States which seems to be their main aim these days.
Day_Before_Dawn said:
I can guarantee you if they were ever offered any spot at Ozzfest, Alexi in particular would jump at the oppitunity.

Concidering Ozzy and Zakk and two of his all time heros. I doubt he would turn down the offer.

I think so too. But I think Ozzfest has definitely just lost it. I remember back in the day like in 6th grade when I used to look forward to summers because of Ozzfest and it had a lineup that was atleast enjoyable. I don't think they have had a good lineup since '98 or '97. But that's just my opinion.
We have all these new chug chugedy chug bands here in america,that came out of nowhere, and Id say about 75 to 80% of these bands are repetitive clones. There are some good ones like Unearth, but thats all I can think of right now.
I would love to see bodom at ozzfest, hey they toured with 3 of the bands on ozzfest last year anyway, theres no reason why they wouldnt be asked to do it... plus it would be sick to see alexi play a song with ozzy *sigh* i can dream can't I? :hotjump:
what would be really cool is if century media and family brought over 10-15 european bands, gave them at least 30 min sets each. fuck stage sets, light shows, and all that extra traveling circus shit, just have them come over and play. no local hardcore opening bands, no endless lists of no name pay-to-play bands. no american bands, we can see them other times. probably couldn't afford to be a full tour, just one day, hell i'll drive to see it. or like 4 stops in the states, a few in south and central america. maybe even let us vote for who we want to see. stop trying to please everyone with a variety of genres and just bring the best bands. people will go to ozzfest to see just one band, imagine having a handful of bands you'd love to see and others you'd go see just cause they don't make it to the states otherwise. i'd say it's a challenge for the biggest independent label to put on the best show, even just one day, and see what happens.
At first they have to come to Europe again... Since Hate Crew Deathroll they've done about 3 US-Tours so now it's time for a new European Tour :p
Generation_Speedkill said:
NO, they should NOT play Ozzfest. Rather, I'd hope that they would do a co-headlining, package tour. With good bands, ie. not Throwdown or Lamb of God.

yeahhhhh.... that was really disappointing to me..... god i was bored to death when throwdown was onstage plus that f'in singer was getting on my last nerve.........right before their last song.... he was telling everyone to get their f'in hands in the air and me and my friends were in the front.... and we were just laughing u know cuz this guy was such a phil anselmo wannabe annyyywaaayysss well i guess he noticed throughout their set that we were pretty bored (plus we would yell bodom during every break from each song lol) ...... when we were pretty much the only ones that in the front that didn't "raise our f'in hands in the air" he pointed right at us and said "hey u motherf'ers in the front raise your f'in hands up" my friend just shouted aloud "f you poser we're here for bodom" and he just started the song.... god what a pussy.....
Invincible said:
At first they have to come to Europe again... Since Hate Crew Deathroll they've done about 3 US-Tours so now it's time for a new European Tour :p

Come on... :p The situation is not even comparable...I mean their fan base over here. Yeah we got 3 tours including 2 headlining shows. :err:

( :bah: /me Wishing he could move somewhere in Europe)