Ozzy as a mallcore idol

Blinded By Blood

Jan 19, 2006
Does anyone know why this is? I mean Black Sabbath is a damn good band, and Ozzy deserves praise for that, but these kiddies can barely name a Sabbath song
Everytime I see Ozzy nowadays, I shake my head slowly and think to myself, 'Ozzy, Ozzy, Ozzy...just retire already...'
This is a tough question....I'm thinking and thinking and I just can't seem to find a reason. Oh! Wait! I think I know!

....OZZFEST. :Smug:
The osbornes show on MTV.

BTW, I was told that I was a homo for liking Iron Maiden. I was told they weren't metal enough, and this was coming from someone who likes metalcore. What should have I done?
metalnate83 said:
The osbornes show on MTV.

BTW, I was told that I was a homo for liking Iron Maiden. I was told they weren't metal enough, and this was coming from someone who likes metalcore. What should have I done?
Laughed at them for adding to the general stupidity of the metal subculture
metalnate83 said:
BTW, I was told that I was a homo for liking Iron Maiden. I was told they weren't metal enough, and this was coming from someone who likes metalcore. What should have I done?

Punched them out, shat on their face, and drank a pint of lager.
Blinded By Blood said:
Laughed at them for adding to the general stupidity of the metal subculture

That is what I basically did. I said you are a pathetic human being, and laughed in his face. I told him to go to the record store and learn something.
metalnate83 said:
The osbornes show on MTV.

BTW, I was told that I was a homo for liking Iron Maiden. I was told they weren't metal enough, and this was coming from someone who likes metalcore. What should have I done?

told him to fuck off and then possibly set him on fire :kickass:
Perdition's Light said:
probably try not standing there like a dork and letting some faggot scene kid walk all over you.

It wasn't really a "fight" situation. He definetly wasn't worth any time of day for anyone. I just basically laughed at him and told him to go to the record store and learn something about music. I am not the smallest guy around......I am not trying to act tough but the kid was seriously 130 lbs, one punch couldve ended him. He definetly wasn't worth it. He wasn't trying to pick a fight either.

What was said was.............. core guy: You listen to Iron Maiden? Me: Yeah they fucking rule, Number of the Beast or Killers are probably my favorite albums. guy: They were good in their time, but they really aren't metal. Me: What?, not metal? What is wrong with you? guy: Nothing is wrong with me, I just like METAL music, Maiden sounds gay and cheesy to me. Me: What is metal to you then? Guy: I am into the core scene, Me: Maiden is gay, yet you listen to metalcore. LOL, go to the record store and learn something. How much Maiden have you listened too? Guy: I have to admit I haven't listened to much, but what I have heard it is for homos. Me: LOL, whatever dude, get a life. Later.

Pretty worthless conversation with a complete clown. He really thought he was more "metal" because he listens to metalcore. I really felt sorry for him more than anything. To each his own.
metalnate83 said:
The osbornes show on MTV.

BTW, I was told that I was a homo for liking Iron Maiden. I was told they weren't metal enough, and this was coming from someone who likes metalcore. What should have I done?

Killed yourself for not immediately smashing his fucking floppy fringed head through the nearest window, and then stamping on his head until it burst like a ripe melon.
Ozzy should have retired in 1976. Maybe I did not hear the right music, his solo carrer is so cheesy.