I'm a dream theater whore - meaning I like Images, Awake, and Scenes the most

Train of thought is incredible though.

Octavarium sucked the big one.
WE LOT THINK THEATER TREAM roc okork:kickass:
När gor nästä bussen till slussen.:confused:

I'm amazed paddy spelled Dream Theater correctly.

My theory is that people who heard DT before getting into heavier music will like them, and those who listened to extreme stuff first generally won't.

I heard DT before any extreme metal, and I liked them a lot for some time, but haven't been a huge fan in a while. The quality of the last two albums also plays a part in this. I am in the minority that thinks Six Degrees was actually really good.

Awake, I&W, and Scenes are all very good, if not great albums. Definitely have a fair deal of emotion in them, contrary to what the DT haters say.
DT seems to be big in the musician crowd. I think they're just a bunch of wankery with no real directive or appeal(they're talented musicians, but their music sucks basically)
I went and bought some of their stuff because Chuck Schuldiner liked them.
But sorry Paddy I just couldn't get myself to like a way they remind me of that crappy Opeth stuff even though they aren't as heavy.