paddy is asking about the band slipknot

cookiecutter said:
They are hated because they are so loved. If people would stop saying that they were so good, people could just accept them for what they are instead of being overwhelmed with "Slipknot is the heaviest ever!" and Slipknot winning a grammy, etc.

judging a band based on other people is retarted
however, i will concede the fact that it makes it alot harder to like them, for me
ex. i hate nirvana but i love grunge -- they are very overplayed and overated
Teh Grimarse said:
an award you get in america for sucking ass musically and sucking cock corporately.

Just because that artists that win don't scream, talk about death, worship satan, or any of the other cliche metal traits, doesn't mean they suck ass musically. It just means they're part of another genre of music. I don't listen to non-metal oriented genres very often (except maybe Horrorcore), but when I do hear the other bands, even if I don't particularly like them myself due to style diffrences, I still reconize that they have talent.
Thasis said:
They weren't always commercial metal. They hit off well with their first CD relatively well yes, but they certainly weren't commercial. Realy they didn't TRUELY hit of untill the Subliminal Verses.
Sorry but having your first hit getting up to 34 in the pop charts, as in Wait and Bleed(the totally pussified version), then I would say they were always commercial metal. Well that and the fact that they made their music sound like everything else that was popular at the time.
Thasis said:
Just because that artists that win don't scream, talk about death, worship satan, or any of the other cliche metal traits, doesn't mean they suck ass musically. It just means they're part of another genre of music. I don't listen to non-metal oriented genres very often (except maybe Horrorcore), but when I do hear the other bands, even if I don't particularly like them myself due to style diffrences, I still reconize that they have talent.

Compare the talent of Slipknot to the talent of almost any Death metal band. Slipknot just can't compete. Since they are in the same genre(metal) you can compare them.