paddy is asking about the band slipknot

I love Slipknot, not cause they have publicity and cause they wear cool masks, but cause they can make good music without just screaming into a mike or bitching abou their girlfriends. They don't realy go to the extreme edge of most mainstream music nor do they go to the extreme edge of the hardcore bands.
TylerTheNuke said:
mediocre band, good drummer.

IT doesnt matter if the drummer can play the funkiest beat known to man-kind with his tongue, if he plays like that in a band like that then the band is SHIT. End of discussion. All the people who are sort of thiking they are maybe okay should LEAVE THE HALL and post on the roadrunner records forum instead.
pinkandfluffy said:
IT doesnt matter if the drummer can play the funkiest beat known to man-kind with his tongue, if he plays like that in a band like that then the band is SHIT. End of discussion. All the people who are sort of thiking they are maybe okay should LEAVE THE HALL and post on the roadrunner records forum instead.
ender7227 said:
they still don't deserve to be hated

They are hated because they are so loved. If people would stop saying that they were so good, people could just accept them for what they are instead of being overwhelmed with "Slipknot is the heaviest ever!" and Slipknot winning a grammy, etc.
Slipknot aren't realy sell-outs though. They get attention whether they want it or not, and if they have the possiblity to make a killing then why shouldn't they take the chance to make money. Everybody hear is just to full of themselves and upset that they're not up their making millions of dollars.

Rant Over!
I think Slipknot is cool.I cant say I'm their biggest fan though.
This band is special. They got really good point in guessing what public wanna hear from they... I cant say their texts are very very deep, but they go ok. Vocalist is good enough. But Stone Sour sounds a lil banal, which says that Slipknot's dudes match pretty good together.
I saw somebody here said that their drummer is not that great and many of others can own him easily...Well, sorry, but its a bullshit... at first - every musician is individual. And nobody can own him totally, as how he cant own some other good musician totally (I'm talking not about lamers). And if somebody can play what he plays - it doesnt really say that drumer is better. JJ is really talented and no doubt. He got just crazy skills, and ppl who have SEEN him playing had to notice that too... Not coz of speed, speed doesnt always proves the quality. Good playing always feels.
The only thing I dont like about Slipknot - they've become too popular, and today they are kinda like a "pop" of metal.
~Neurotica said:
I think Slipknot is cool.I cant say I'm their biggest fan though.
This band is special. They got really good point in guessing what public wanna hear from they... I cant say their texts are very very deep, but they go ok. Vocalist is good enough. But Stone Sour sounds a lil banal, which says that Slipknot's dudes match pretty good together.
I saw somebody here said that their drummer is not that great and many of others can own him easily...Well, sorry, but its a bullshit... at first - every musician is individual. And nobody can own him totally, as how he cant own some other good musician totally (I'm talking not about lamers). And if somebody can play what he plays - it doesnt really say that drumer is better. JJ is really talented and no doubt. He got just crazy skills, and ppl who have SEEN him playing had to notice that too... Not coz of speed, speed doesnt always proves the quality. Good playing always feels.
The only thing I dont like about Slipknot - they've become too popular, and today they are kinda like a "pop" of metal.
mmm yes try some motorhead :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: