paddy is asking about the band slipknot

The Greys said:
How come if a drummer is fast everyone should be impressed ?. Majority of the time faster drummers bore me into a coma.

I'll mention Derek Roddy, because he is one of the most boring drummers on earth.

Fuck yes, absolutely. Some of the greatest pieces of extreme metal have been crafted without a single fucking blast beat.
The Greys said:
How come if a drummer is fast everyone should be impressed ?. Majority of the time faster drummers bore me into a coma.

I'll mention Derek Roddy, because he is one of the most boring drummers on earth.

Drumming fast at the correct moment makes a great drummer. Example: Dave Lombardo.:notworthy
Dodens Grav said:
lol no not at all

That completely depends on the context.
Wow, are you saying that subjective things like "good" depend on objective things like "context"? Geez, that sounds like interrelation to me.

I thought those things were separate. At least, according to all known irrelevant propaganda to the contrary, they are.

Wow, does this mean that individual opinion might not be above reproach? That it might not be sacrosanct? That some individual opinions might in fact be teeth-grindingly stupid and unworthy of consideration?

(not meaning to pick on you or anything Dodens. You know how I feel about you <3<3<3)
Don't fucking play hard to get with me. :mad:

You're grounding something subjective within objectivite "context". Most people here (well let's face it, around the bloody world) will trumpet personal taste as being "purely" subjective, yet they all ground it within objective parameters.

I'm highlighting something here beyond what you carelessly stated, something that most will not get, but I will not hesitate to put it out there regardless.



(please, don't take any of this personally. I'd do you in a heartbeat, Dodens.)
But isn't arguing that the "goodness" of drumplaying being relevant to context a matter of opinion to some degree? :kickass:

btw you should write an article for ANUS about ethnocentrism and the black metal culture because I'm doing a research paper on that right now. If you do you can be one of my sources. :kickass: x 2