Pagan's Mind - Infinity Divine question:

Palabra de Dios

Heavy Metal Weatherman
Mar 22, 2005
St. Joseph, MO
The only Pagan's Mind album I own is Celestial Entrance. I find it very good, and I want to get another. They only have 3 and they all have gotten good reviews, so I was gonna go after the debut (since in metal 'the older stuff is beter.').

On the Metal-Archives page for PM, it says that Infinity Divine has been rereleased (and rerecorded in most parts) in 2004. This is the edition that I've seen for sale everywhere, but no one seems to have the original release (hello, it came out in 2001, it's not that rare is it?).

Since I would like to get into Pagan's Mind more, am I doing a disservice by buying the rerelease or is it worth it (or even possible?) to find an original copy?

I really don't like it when a band rerecords and rereleases original material (Jon Schaffer). Sometimes it leaves the original intention of the work a bit screwed...

Thoughts, opinions,,,what do you all think?
Just get the re-release. You are not doing Pagan's Mind a disservice. I have all three of thier albums, and to be frank, you won't go wrong with this one or the other one that you don't have. They are all excellent.
Infinity Divine is the only one I don't own yet. I wasn't even aware that it had been re-released. I will probably order it as soon as I've got some money to spend though.
"Enigmatic Calling" is my favorite CD by Pagan's Mind and is in my top five discs of all-time. :kickass: But I think all their releases have been stellar.
The only Pagan's Mind album I own is Celestial Entrance. I find it very good, and I want to get another. They only have 3 and they all have gotten good reviews, so I was gonna go after the debut (since in metal 'the older stuff is beter.').

On the Metal-Archives page for PM, it says that Infinity Divine has been rereleased (and rerecorded in most parts) in 2004. This is the edition that I've seen for sale everywhere, but no one seems to have the original release (hello, it came out in 2001, it's not that rare is it?).

Since I would like to get into Pagan's Mind more, am I doing a disservice by buying the rerelease or is it worth it (or even possible?) to find an original copy?

I really don't like it when a band rerecords and rereleases original material (Jon Schaffer). Sometimes it leaves the original intention of the work a bit screwed...

Thoughts, opinions,,,what do you all think?
The re-release is much improved in sound quality .. get it. It's also got an awesome cover of King Diamond's ... At The Graves.

:heh: :heh: :heh:


:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Why not get both? The original is semi hard to get and is cool to hear the original vibe. The rerelease sounds awesome and has that sicko king diamond tune with guest solo's by Gus G and Shawn Drover. I own em both woooo!
Does anyone else think Pagan's Mind should come up with a radically different album cover next time? I do ... the three covers basically have the same look and colors. It's time for a change.

Three questions:

1. How many titles do you own multiple copies of?
2. How many CDs do you own?
3. Are some of those still shrink wrapped?


Good question. Probably about 30 discs give or take a couple. Thats titles though. There may be some titles I have 3 or 4 versions of.

Used to be about 2000 CD's. Id say closer to 1500 now as I have sold alot in the past year. Thats not counting about 300 CD-R's of old hard rock bands that only were on cassette (tons of demos and indie releases) that are now transferred to CD.

Yes I have a ton of CDs shrink wrapped. Unlike some people who take advantage of downloading music I almost 90% of the time BUY whatever I d/l before release date.

Depending on the band if I already have the music, and am not interested in the liner notes, lyrics etc.....I'll just leave it sealed on my shelf.
I have found that the original Infinity Divine is not "semi-hard" to find, it is flat out HARD to find; as I have yet to find one for sale on the standard websites I peruse.
I have found that the original Infinity Divine is not "semi-hard" to find, it is flat out HARD to find; as I have yet to find one for sale on the standard websites I peruse.

Haha yeah. I didnt wanna say 'hard to find' incase some smartypants informed me of some obscure mailorder place you can buy it from.
Nevertheless I found my copy on Australian ebay and cost me like $5 lol. Just the fact it was on Aus ebay was a miracle in itself.

And to DrumRman...what is that Trivial Act cd you have sitting there? I have the Mindscape cd which is great.
Haha yeah. I didnt wanna say 'hard to find' incase some smartypants informed me of some obscure mailorder place you can buy it from.
Nevertheless I found my copy on Australian ebay and cost me like $5 lol. Just the fact it was on Aus ebay was a miracle in itself.

And to DrumRman...what is that Trivial Act cd you have sitting there? I have the Mindscape cd which is great.

That is the IMPOSSIBLE to find "Thoughts In Lyrics" CD. Stian and Steinar of Pagans Mind both play on this Prog Metal Obscure Masterpiece! I have Mindscapes too! Promo, Euro, and Japan editions haha.
ALL Pagan's Mind is amazing, you can not go wrong with any of their flawless masterpieces. I have always wanted to find a copy of (or at least hear) the original Infinity Divine, but have yet to come across it *or even hold it in my hands.* ALL HAIL PAGAN'S MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
The re-issue is much better than the original,except that the original is rare which makes it more appetizing.I would not own any Pagans Mind cd's other than the first had I not saw Pagans at ProgPower,due to the vocals.The vocals are just terrible,thank god he re-recorded them for the re-issue.
On that note,anybody wanna buy the original??? lol