Pagans Mind = OFF

I, too, missed alot of their set during the CG signing but could hear them. Dana's son-in-law was totally jammin' out to them and we discussed 'cause he hadn't heard them before...

I did see Pagan's Mind last night at Jaxx - it may not have been ProgPower, but they still kicked ass... Awesome, awesome guys... and it was pretty damn kewl seeing Leah and Wayne there as well!!!
I thought they weren't bad at all. Not really my thing, but not a bad show. I did think it was funny that the singer seemed to disappear whenever there were no singing parts. I was like, "Hey, he was just standing there..."
Anyone else notice? Obviously you have b/c nobody has posted anything now in 4 days! anyway, these guys usually rock and are one of my all time favorites...Saying that, they did not bring their A game....Whatever happened be it sound or whatever, it just wasn't there...The floor was very "unactive" and the magic they brought to the previous two shows was NOT there.... I was beyond pumped to see them play and they were one word, FLAT....Sad to see but man I still can't wait until their next album....Its okay, Circus and Fates still stole the show!


You're a lunatic if you think that PM was off! :lol: I'm sorry, but I had to say it. Seriously, I thought the band was spot on. The only disappointment that I had was no King Diamond cover! :erk: There should be a clause written somewhere that PM isn't able to leave the stage without paying homage to King Diamond! :)

I thought they put on an excellent performance at ProgPower. However, they really did kick ass at Jaxx last night. At Jaxx, I was right up on the rail directly in front of Nils. Almost like having a personal concert! Was pretty cool that Ronny kept walking up to me between parts of the performance. I spent a bit of time hanging out with him during the PP weekend.

Great band and just a great group of guys as well. Looking forward to getting to see them again in the future.
I thought they put on an excellent performance at ProgPower. However, they really did kick ass at Jaxx last night. At Jaxx, I was right up on the rail directly in front of Nils. Almost like having a personal concert! Was pretty cool that Ronny kept walking up to me between parts of the performance. I spent a bit of time hanging out with him during the PP weekend.

Great band and just a great group of guys as well. Looking forward to getting to see them again in the future.
The show at Jaxx last night was definitely excellent...nice follow-up to PP.
I can agree with what others said about a lack of energy, but IMO Pagan's Mind sounded fine at PP as far as their playing goes. The show at Jaxx last night was also outstanding! A small but passionate crowd! The band recognized that and still played as if they we're playing to a venue like Center Stage.
I did see Pagan's Mind last night at Jaxx - it may not have been ProgPower, but they still kicked ass... Awesome, awesome guys... and it was pretty damn kewl seeing Leah and Wayne there as well!!!
Agreed on all accounts! :rock: (It was good seeing you too Jen! Hope we get to chat more at the next Jaxx show.)
However, they really did kick ass at Jaxx last night. At Jaxx, I was right up on the rail directly in front of Nils. Almost like having a personal concert! Was pretty cool that Ronny kept walking up to me between parts of the performance.

I can agree with what others said about a lack of energy, but IMO Pagan's Mind sounded fine at PP as far as their playing goes. The show at Jaxx last night was also outstanding! A small but passionate crowd! The band recognized that and still played as if they we're playing to a venue like Center Stage.

Shame that the Jaxx showing was on the light side. I wanted to go, but with taking off for two long weekends in a row, plus PP plague, I really could not go. Glad they put on a kick ass show. They always do. :rock::kickass:
I watched a good part of PM's set in the video editing suite backstage, which has the soundboard direct feed plus the video feed from the boom camera. I thought they sounded great...although I did notice that the keys were high in the mix.

As for the boom operator...well, it seemed like he was missing a lot of stuff, but that was only one of the camera feeds.
As someone else pointed out, the expectations were really high because of the show from two years ago. They weren't quite as energetic over-all, but it wasn't enough to really be a let down. This was a VERY strong PPUSA line-up but PM still took top honors for me. Jorn Viggo is in a class of very, very few as far as a guitarist and Nils is so fun to watch with his chest pulling routine and odd faces he makes to get his note and timbre just right. PM is a very professional band and gives you your money's worth.
I think some of the crowd not reacting as energetic was simply because of the strong line-up. Primal Fear, Cage, Mindcrime and Sabaton kicked my butt and I wasn't quite as energetic for PM, even though they are much preferred by me over the others I stated because I was flat worn out.

Anyone else notice? Obviously you have b/c nobody has posted anything now in 4 days! anyway, these guys usually rock and are one of my all time favorites...Saying that, they did not bring their A game....Whatever happened be it sound or whatever, it just wasn't there...The floor was very "unactive" and the magic they brought to the previous two shows was NOT there.... I was beyond pumped to see them play and they were one word, FLAT....Sad to see but man I still can't wait until their next album....Its okay, Circus and Fates still stole the show!


I noticed that over all everyone was drained of Energy on Saturday, crowd included. I'd guess it's because Sabaton kicked so much ass. (Ok, that was said half in jest)

I noticed that over all everyone was drained of Energy on Saturday, crowd included. I'd guess it's because Sabaton kicked so much ass. (Ok, that was said half in jest)


I was drained of energy from trying to figure out the covers in Sabaton's setlist. I heard Savatage's 'Gutter Ballet', Nightwish's Wishmaster, and I believe Nightwish's Fantasmic.

I almost wish I caught Pagan's Mind the first time at PP. They blew me away this time, I don't see how it could be any more intense, even thought it apparently was!
Anyone else notice? Obviously you have b/c nobody has posted anything now in 4 days! anyway, these guys usually rock and are one of my all time favorites...Saying that, they did not bring their A game....Whatever happened be it sound or whatever, it just wasn't there...The floor was very "unactive" and the magic they brought to the previous two shows was NOT there.... I was beyond pumped to see them play and they were one word, FLAT....Sad to see but man I still can't wait until their next album....Its okay, Circus and Fates still stole the show!


Couldn't disagree anymore. Where were you? I was practically front and center and they got one of the better receptions of the day. I mean I haven't seen them before, so it's very possible they might not be as great as they had been before, but that's usually how it goes with bands. The first time is the best and it's usually not the same.

As for Circus Maximus stealing the show (I'm sure I'll get flak for this) but I just don't "get" them. Between the music and the boring vocalist, I do not get the appeal. They've been described a mix of power and prog, which sounded cool but when I've listened to them from studio tracks and in this performance all I see is prog and very boring prog. Keep in mind, I actually prefer prog to power. I dunno. Maybe it's just a taste thing, but I thought of the entire fest they were the worst.