Pain of Salvation coversong


formerly known as Unicorn
Nov 3, 2001
Hey guys,
I know this forum since a few month and never posted a song until now. I gave my best performing and mixing (and mastering) this Pain of Salvation song called Second Love. It's more a rock ballad than a metal song, but since I'm lovelorn at the moment, I had to do it. :cry:

So, as everyone who uploads stuff I'd like to have opinions from you.

I know, I'm not a "real" singer, nor a good lead guitar player, but anyway I put my whole heart into this song.

New version with awesome solo from Moonlapse!


Well I think the mix is pretty good for this type of song. The kick and toms are really deep and powerful. The performance may not be as good as PoS's original, but that doesn't mean you did a bad job. I think the basic tone of your voice and the vibrato aren't bad at all. One thing that you might consider working on a bit is your accent. I thought it was a bit distracting at times.

I hope you don't mind me being so harsh.
Hammer Bart said:
Well I think the mix is pretty good for this type of song. The kick and toms are really deep and powerful. The performance may not be as good as PoS's original, but that doesn't mean you did a bad job. I think the basic tone of your voice and the vibrato aren't bad at all. One thing that you might consider working on a bit is your accent. I thought it was a bit distracting at times.

I hope you don't mind me being so harsh.

Thanks for comments. No, you're right, I should work on my accent. :erk:
But it's hard for me to concentrate on that while singing. But thanks for liking the rest of my voice ;)
I know, I'm not a "real" singer, nor a good lead guitar player, but anyway I put my whole heart into this song.

And it shows... nothing more to add, besides that i love the mix, and that you sing good, you can really feel the song unicorn, good job man!
Haha, wow thanks man. Before i listened to that i was in a really shit mood, not anymore. I really like the mix and the very European atmosphere in the song, which your vocals only helped- yes i liked your accent! Work on those vocals and you could have a very profesional voice dude.
Which PoS album is that song from? I have One Hour By The Concrete Lake, but its a bit monotonous, with nothing like this song on it.

Nebulous said:
Haha, wow thanks man. Before i listened to that i was in a really shit mood, not anymore. I really like the mix and the very European atmosphere in the song, which your vocals only helped- yes i liked your accent! Work on those vocals and you could have a very profesional voice dude.

Thanks a lot!
I really appreciate all the comments.

Maybe I should write down the equipment I used, before I forget what it was.

Vocals: Rode NTK through Envoice Mindprint, no EQ. Compression from Mindprint, C4 and Voxengo Crunchessor for the vocal sum.

Acoustic Guitar: Walden guitar through NTK and Mindprint. Only a bit compression from the mindprint, and little EQ.

Bass: Fender Precision directly in the Instrument channel on my RME Fireface.
Heavy EQing, Voxengo Crunchessor.

Electric guitar: Some cheap Yamaha guitar with humbuckers --> Crate Blue Voodoo amp, distorted channel with boost. Audix i5 --> high and low cutted in Cubase. Bridge humbucker for rhythm guitar, neck humbucker for solo.

Keyboards: Edirol Orchestral

Drums: BD, Snare & Toms are Battery samples. I forgot which kit, I think it was Pearl or DW drums. Cymbals are sampled by myself.
I EQed and compressed only the sum of the drums. Compressed with Crunchessor again.

Reverb: SIR tajmahal deep IR
sounds good man, but i'm not keen on the snare sound at all, but maybe that's just me being used to more metal sound drum kits, otherwise sounds great, wish i could sing lol.
Freak Guitar said:
I tip my hat to you. Daniel is such an amazing vocalist, to even TRY deserves respect.

Thank you. Yes, he is amazing. He gets all these high notes without sounding if it's a problem at all. :)

I think the guys who said that I should put a shitload of reverb on the snare are right. I'll try that.
Hey, I really liked that. You've got a great voice too.

I don't know the original, but that makes me want to check the band out. :)

That's a pretty fantastic home-mix dude. Your voice has good timbre and I think with a bit of work on pitch and delivery, you'll have a very powerful thing going.

Lowest point of the song to me is the solo. I may just be nitpicking because I'm getting to be neurotic as a guitarist, but I think it's important to work on pitch when it comes to those bends and vibratos and just the phrasing of the solo in general.

But overall man, it's very nice. Good job.