Pale Folklore

Looks like I'm alone in saying that I wasn't too impressed. Definitely bringing some neat atmospherics, using different sounds to create some different moods. But everything sounds young and inexperienced to me.
Yeah you'll have that since it was their first full length. Hence The Mantle > Pale Folklore
It's a great album - The 1st 3 Tracks alone demand your purchase.
I'm pissed that i can't get "Of Stone Wind and Pillor" (if thats the right order lol) without having to resort to shitty Ebay.

The Mantle is currently their greatest effort, but be prepared for Ashes Against The Grain. Methinks it'll be rather shit-kicking!
Jon Snow said:
Agalloch sound nothing like Opeth. These comparisons need to stop. If anything they sound like old Ulver, who they list as a major influence. I think I remember reading an interview and Haughm didn't seem to be a big fan of Opeth.

Well said. The comparisons to Opeth are pathetic and simply words of fanboys who insist that Akerfeldt is god, which he is far from - the guy is simply very good at what he does, but so are many other singer-songwriters!

I totally agree with your Ulver reference.
There is some similarity between Ulver's first two albums and a couple moments on Pale Folklore. Does Haughm actually list early Ulver as an influence?