Panhandlers (Awwww Hell Nah)

Do you spare a nickel?

  • Total voters

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Last night as I was filling up my tank I was accosted by a gibbon most foul. A decade or two ago a denizen down on his luck would simply pester for a quarter or a dollar, nowadays they're vying for a grand slam breakfast at IHOP. With gnats riding a wave of halitosis with Gidget like dexterity this pancoon asks me for several gallons of octane to get his pedo van back on the road. I kindly make the outdated man-oxen wait as I fill up my tank, check the wallet for some ones and hand him enough pelf to purchase some gumbo. I then witness the "gent" (term used loosely) drive his shag in wagon across the street to a neighboring gas station to pull the same shtick. At this juncture, a decent looking lass in a BMW pulls up and begins to question me on what just transpired between myself and the dole riding lout. She goes on to say that this individual had accosted her two days prior as she drove off the freeway on account of a flattened tire. She feared for her safety as this mischievous miscreant ill delivered come hither in to the mist advances while his pedomobile idled in the shadows of a nearby alley.

I'm supposed to feel guilt for these tax burdens? This was the final affront to my generosity which has been bemired half a dozen times over throughout the years by swindlers too lazy to pick up a shovel and dig a ditch for their daily bread. I vowed not to donate one half penny to any transient (charred or ashen) as of that moment hence. Low and behold I was accosted yet again by another chimpandlezee this morning at a drive-thru window as I was grabbing some morning vittles. I sat stalwart with $400 in my wallet and not a penny to spare for a palm so pale. This "man" (term used very loosely) in particular was an amputee with only one palm to extend, yet my heart bled not a drop, although my T-Cells doubled in production to ward off any maladies I may have been at risk of due to the proximity.

(More stories of ingratitude to be told at a later hour)
If it's a homeless person on the street, I'll often give some change if I have some. If some guy asked me for gas money, I wouldn't give him a damned thing.

Thankfully nobody in Japan does shit like that. Even homeless people don't beg for money.
I'd never give anyone gas money. I never give beggars money. If I happen to have food I don't want I'll give them that or there is some sort of fast food place nearby sometimes I'll buy them something to eat.

I stopped with the money after one time my wallet was empty (I too had next to no money), but I had a sandwich left over that I didn't want and offered it to a fellow who threw it into the street and cursed me to my face.
Same as CA, food if the situation calls for it, never change. Gas money? WTF... I don't think this form of begging even exists in France... Anyone who has the means to drive a car to the tank station also has the means to fill the tank (at least enough to be on his way), or they don't drive at all. That practice is quite beyond me in fact...

Also Jerry your style used to sting my decency in a ruder manner, trying to water things down a notch because of the anti-racist mafia are you
If I happen to have food I don't want I'll give them that or there is some sort of fast food place nearby sometimes I'll buy them something to eat.

I too have done this. One disheartening evening I was approached at a local car wash by a vagrant who claimed he was famished. I being the magnanimous fellow for which you all know, offered to buy him a caloric laden chili-cheese burger from an adjacent eatery. As we approached the window I kindly ask, "do you want cheese on it?", to which he replies, "Combo".
I'll give food, but no money. Just today a homeless guy came through the cafeteria area at school and asked me for money so he could go get a "cheeburger." People that aren't students or staff are not allowed in the building at all, but right now they're doing new student registration so I guess he went unnoticed because of that. He was in a hurry so as not to get caught, and I was actually going to offer him my last taco. But alas, he was already out the door when I said I had no money.
I don't give to them anymore. Especially considering how much money these fucks can rake in.

For instance, my meth head cousin. This dude flat out refuses to work. Despite having many a job thrust upon, he'll either deny it, or work for 3 days then stop showing up. He would set out everyday to panhandle and regularly rake in $75+ daily. Enough to get himself a dingy motel room and some meals. Of course, on those days where he would get $100+, most of it would go to fuel his habit.

But of course, there are those people who have unfortunately just lost it all. But still, as someone stated before. There are shelters, churches, etc to help these people out. Leave me alone, I'm trying to keep afloat myself!
one time i was walking in Middletown, CT (UTTER SHITHOLE) with my brother. some homeless guy walked up to us and asked for some cash. my brother turned around, made very obvious his "Kill the Poor" (Dead Kennedys) shirt, and then gave the guy a couple of bucks. he looked really confused.
I don't give to them anymore. Especially considering how much money these fucks can rake in.

For instance, my meth head cousin. This dude flat out refuses to work. Despite having many a job thrust upon, he'll either deny it, or work for 3 days then stop showing up. He would set out everyday to panhandle and regularly rake in $75+ daily. Enough to get himself a dingy motel room and some meals. Of course, on those days where he would get $100+, most of it would go to fuel his habit.

But of course, there are those people who have unfortunately just lost it all. But still, as someone stated before. There are shelters, churches, etc to help these people out. Leave me alone, I'm trying to keep afloat myself!

This is also the problem I face. Kansas City is full of these jokers and many of them are ingrates, which is why I don't even give one cent.
Then there was the time that I was at a red on an off ramp and I saw a disheveled wanderer of woe obviously in dire need of a kopeck or two to brighten his shabby existence. I scrambled all compartments for any farthing I could spare, to which I was met with the following ingratitude.

"What the fuck you giving me this for? Pull over to the side, I have some boxing gloves for sale."

Citing the need to ensure equal treatment for indigent Californians, lawmakers on Tuesday advanced a homeless rights bill that they said has been narrowed to assuage the concerns of businesses and city governments.

Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, D-San Francisco, framed Assembly Bill 5 as an attempt to create a statewide base line of homeless civil rights, citing a proliferation of municipal ordinances cracking down on behavior such as sleeping on the sidewalk as an example of the "criminalization of poor people."

"Today numerous laws infringe on poor peoples' ability to exist in public space, to acquire housing, employment and basic services and to equal protection under the laws," Ammiano said.

Ammiano's legislation faced a backlash from critics who said the bill would sanction behavior such as urinating in public while exposing businesses to new litigation, undercutting the will of voters who had passed local ordinances and handcuffing city-level efforts to deal with homelessness.

The California Chamber of Commerce included AB 5 on its annual list of "job killers" because it imposes "costly and unreasonable mandates on employers."

The amendments addressed those criticisms, Ammiano and supporters of the bill argued.

A widely derided provision establishing "the right to engage in life sustaining activities" including "urinating" was deleted. Another amendment jettisoned language prohibiting discrimination by business establishments.

But those changes were not enough to allay the concerns of such critics as the League of California Cities, which argued that the bill still imposes onerous new requirements.

Lobbyist Kirstin Kolpitcke pointed to a provision requiring governments to compile statistics on arrests and citations for such offenses as loitering or obstructing sidewalks.

The bill also would bar local law enforcement from applying laws governing such things as eating, sitting or panhandling in public places unless the county has satisfied a set of requirements that include a relatively low unemployment rate, a short wait for public housing and readily available public assistance.

Concerns also remain about the cost of the bill, which requires the state Department of Public Health to fund health and hygiene centers.

At the committee hearing on Tuesday, even lawmakers who voted to move the bill underscored those qualms.

"While I can certainly appreciate the goal and the aspiration, we all know we simply don't have the money to be able to provide that," Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi, D-Torrance, said of the proposed hygiene centers.

Even should that provision be stripped from the bill, it would leave the core of the legislation intact -- what Jennifer Friedenbach of the San Francisco-based Coalition on Homelessness described as "making sure homeless people have a fundamental right to rest" without facing harassment.

Only the state of California would attempt to pass a measure which originally had a clause for these filthy vagabonds to piss and shit in public. Yep, this favela isn't grimey enough, lets have a 300 lb fat lady take a steamy one at the entrance to the metro rail subway. (True story that I saw first hand, but now she'll have carte blanche to do as her bowels command. Afterall, they have rights!)

Citing the need to ensure equal treatment for indigent Californians, lawmakers on Tuesday advanced a homeless rights bill that they said has been narrowed to assuage the concerns of businesses and city governments.

Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, D-San Francisco, framed Assembly Bill 5 as an attempt to create a statewide base line of homeless civil rights, citing a proliferation of municipal ordinances cracking down on behavior such as sleeping on the sidewalk as an example of the "criminalization of poor people."

"Today numerous laws infringe on poor peoples' ability to exist in public space, to acquire housing, employment and basic services and to equal protection under the laws," Ammiano said.

Ammiano's legislation faced a backlash from critics who said the bill would sanction behavior such as urinating in public while exposing businesses to new litigation, undercutting the will of voters who had passed local ordinances and handcuffing city-level efforts to deal with homelessness.

The California Chamber of Commerce included AB 5 on its annual list of "job killers" because it imposes "costly and unreasonable mandates on employers."

The amendments addressed those criticisms, Ammiano and supporters of the bill argued.

A widely derided provision establishing "the right to engage in life sustaining activities" including "urinating" was deleted. Another amendment jettisoned language prohibiting discrimination by business establishments.

But those changes were not enough to allay the concerns of such critics as the League of California Cities, which argued that the bill still imposes onerous new requirements.

Lobbyist Kirstin Kolpitcke pointed to a provision requiring governments to compile statistics on arrests and citations for such offenses as loitering or obstructing sidewalks.

The bill also would bar local law enforcement from applying laws governing such things as eating, sitting or panhandling in public places unless the county has satisfied a set of requirements that include a relatively low unemployment rate, a short wait for public housing and readily available public assistance.

Concerns also remain about the cost of the bill, which requires the state Department of Public Health to fund health and hygiene centers.

At the committee hearing on Tuesday, even lawmakers who voted to move the bill underscored those qualms.

"While I can certainly appreciate the goal and the aspiration, we all know we simply don't have the money to be able to provide that," Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi, D-Torrance, said of the proposed hygiene centers.

Even should that provision be stripped from the bill, it would leave the core of the legislation intact -- what Jennifer Friedenbach of the San Francisco-based Coalition on Homelessness described as "making sure homeless people have a fundamental right to rest" without facing harassment.

Only the state of California would attempt to pass a measure which originally had a clause for these filthy vagabonds to piss and shit in public. Yep, this favela isn't grimey enough, lets have a 300 lb fat lady take a steamy one at the entrance to the metro rail subway. (True story that I saw first hand, but now she'll have carte blanche to do as her bowels command. Afterall, they have rights!)


in addition to California...,d.b2I&fp=bb8d166d37b59982&biw=792&bih=425
A new bill just added to the table, fuck nuts will get to choose their public restroom usage based on "gender identity."

This state can't get any more fucked up. I say lets just roll with it, and turn this state in to one big sociological experiment.
did anyone actually read the link i posted??
A new bill just added to the table, fuck nuts will get to choose their public restroom usage based on "gender identity."


this person^^ has a fully-funtional penis that "she" uses to penetrate men's asses

where-as the "guy" below doesn't have a penis at all because "he" was born a female


i'm not gonna make Sarina Valentina go into the "men's" restroom just because she has a penis
and i'm not gonna make Buck Angel go into "women's" restroom just because he has a vagina
did anyone actually read the link i posted??


this person^^ has a fully-funtional penis that "she" uses to penetrate men's asses

where-as the "guy" below doesn't have a penis at all because "he" was born a female


i'm not gonna make Sarina Valentina go into the "men's" restroom just because she has a penis
and i'm not gonna make Buck Angel go into "women's" restroom just because he has a vagina
neither of those should be allowed imo. Shit's fucked up.