panning using 2 or more mics?


I are Joe
Nov 2, 2009
Wales, United Kingdom
EDIT: IGNORE it would help if i wasnt a dumb shit and unmuted the audix track ,jesus christ i need to look before i post

ok I've only recently got an interface that can actually do this

anyway ive got an audix i5 and a 57 micing up a laney lv300
and Im was going to double track them (by now id have 4 tracks, 2 takes 2 mics) however i found that if i double track one take with both mics hard left or right one of the mics eats up the other and the other cant be heard, whats the best way to go around this?
I make them "mono", so same panning for both to prevent phasing
That doesn't make sense. You are actually maximizing the effects of any phase difference by panning them identically. I'm not saying it's wrong as I generally do the same thing but you definitely aren't "preventing" anything.