Pantera tone thru the years


Sep 20, 2004
Upon going thru my Pantera albums, the Dimebags Randall tone is kind of like a nice sweet and sour soup. Its got that touch of pierecing high end mixed with a tight low end that brings out the crunch. Then he busts into a solo and makes the tone just break up and scream. Just shows how much some raw talent can make a solid state amp (which some say isn't too "breathy" or "lacks character") come alive and give so many different characeters. I often wonder why he didn't change amps earlier, or why he stuck with Randalls for so long. But going from "Cowboys From Hell" to "Reinventing the Steel", the tone is pure "crunch". Not that high gain tube fuzziness that is sometimes apparent, or loose low end that is inconsistant. When listening to his tone, you know its something different, and he knew how to make it his. Really I don't know where this rant is going. Maybe on how Dimebag shred the guitar like no other, or maybe other peoples opionion's on Dime's tone. Either way, its got some crunch like no other. :rock:
Well, Dimebag is living proof that 90% of a good tone DOES come from the player. He probably could have made just about anything sound ok. BUT, the gear does help. I own a few different heads, three of them being solid state. I have a Randall Warhead (don't like it), a Randall RH200G2 (cheap, but I love the tone). My Newest addition to my arsenal is a brand new Fender MetalHead MH500. I picked it up Friday and haven't even really got to dial it in yet. But just from the few tones got messing with it so far, it totally crushes all my heads (even the 5150). I plan on selling at least two of the heads to help cover the financial blow from the MetalHead. I use it through my Warhead cabs and it is a very good tone for solid state. It's raw fuckin power even @ 4ohms (400w).... @ 2ohms it's 550w. I've never even seen a 2ohm cab other than the one Fender is making to go with this head (except for like 18" mains). The effects on it are gay. But both gain channels are great. I think solid state has come a long way. I love tube also. But I'm cheap and can't afford to go that route, especially if I can get a consistant and brutal crunch from a solid state amp.
Dime was the shit... Still have a hard time coming to grips with what happened... still seems surreal.

I also have a Randall RH100 head (the NON G2.. The G2 are lame) and it kills. By far the best solid state head for the money, considering they go used for $250.

I have always loved Dimes tone - his Randall tone MORE than his Krank tone. It was an old RG100ES that he used to use.. Lynch used em, too. One thing is for sure - you want kicking solid state tone, it's Randall or Randall.
EtherForBreakfast said:
I have always loved Dimes tone - his Randall tone MORE than his Krank tone.

dime never played his kranks on any releases though, so how can you judge?
DIOBOLIC5150 said:
Well, Dimebag is living proof that 90% of a good tone DOES come from the player. He probably could have made just about anything sound ok. BUT, the gear does help. I own a few different heads, three of them being solid state. I have a Randall Warhead (don't like it), a Randall RH200G2 (cheap, but I love the tone). My Newest addition to my arsenal is a brand new Fender MetalHead MH500. I picked it up Friday and haven't even really got to dial it in yet. But just from the few tones got messing with it so far, it totally crushes all my heads (even the 5150). I plan on selling at least two of the heads to help cover the financial blow from the MetalHead. I use it through my Warhead cabs and it is a very good tone for solid state. It's raw fuckin power even @ 4ohms (400w).... @ 2ohms it's 550w. I've never even seen a 2ohm cab other than the one Fender is making to go with this head (except for like 18" mains). The effects on it are gay. But both gain channels are great. I think solid state has come a long way. I love tube also. But I'm cheap and can't afford to go that route, especially if I can get a consistant and brutal crunch from a solid state amp.

offtopic but:

how do you show what you are listening to ?
your listening Cryptopsy- Whisper Supremecy and there's a cd logo with it.
how do you do that ?
I would go so far as to say that Dime's tone was perfectly him and few others could pull it off. Where other players try for a tone that is thick and hot yet warm, Dime sounded like a pissed off 500lb Hornet out to kick your arse. His tone was buzzy, raspy, cold and ugly but he sounded like no other player just because of it alone. It's interesting to see how the entire band was eq'ed around his sound to make that cheap buzzbox tone so effective.

Oh yeah, and LOVE IT! :rock:
Impy said:
Might wanna rethink using that expression ;)

I'm sure he meant "Was living proof" *l* Plus I too would like to see how the rest of the band was EQ's with Dime's tone. Rex's bass sure did carry a good amount of the low end.
Never liked Dime's tone, Dime's playing, or Dime's bands. It sucks that he's gone, but I've always detested everything he's been involved with(although the pics of him when Pantera was a hair metal band are pretty awesome).
johnzorn said:
I'm sure he meant "Was living proof" *l* Plus I too would like to see how the rest of the band was EQ's with Dime's tone. Rex's bass sure did carry a good amount of the low end.

I read somewhere that since Dime had so much lowend, Rex had to have a lot of mid in his sound, that was the only way to make the sound clear.