Dime's guitar sound

Dimebag played RH100s for many years before Randall started doing amps for him. I checked the Randall amps when I was looking for a new tone (different from the tube amps I own) for the studio. I was shocked how bad and muddy the Warhead X2 sounded. The Dimebag settings sounded like something for 12 year olds. Before leaving the shop I checked the RH100, the cheapest of them all and bought it immediately! It's a sharp, tight and polished tone that might not be wanted every day, but sometimes it's just the right thing!
Yeah, I've heard people complain about Dime using the whammy pedal too much, but not the tone, what the fuck!? When CFH came out DIMES TONE RULED THE FUCKING PLANET!!! End of fucking story. Back when you had to be a whiney fuck, grunge, seattle fuck, anti metal faget, there was Pantera for me. Get a Randall, and you will sound like Dime! Really, that Randall, will make you play Dime riffs all the fuckin time. You can't help it. Most Randall RHs I've played sound the same too. Yeah, there aint nothin wrong with Dime's tone!
I tried for years to get Dime's tone and realized that I was better off finding my own sound. The Randall stuff really is great sounding though!

Haha - me too. This dude I used to jam with had a Randall, and I could never get that thing to sound good when I played through it. That just goes to show that Dime was truly a god.
Jesus christ get off your fucking horse. So what I am an asshole for wanting my own tone? Jesus, fucking christ get a personality and stop the cloneing. "Get a Randall" fuck that noise. Solid state garbage. Tube sounds so much better. Even Dime came around to that eventually.

Besides: Tone has nothing to do with the dude, he could have played through a shelf unit stereo and he still would have owned.