I'm going to try to find meaning in that red thing with all the tentacles.
I think it could be a metaphor for modern American-style society. The fire represents the fundamental values the masses believe in (I don't) -
freedom, equality, democracy, etc. The tentacles are all the 'isolated' problems that eventually arose from those values (environmental destruction, conflict between races living in the same community, people giving a damn about Terri Schiavo's right to live(I know, that's old, whatever), etc). The eye is the media. All these red angels surrounding the whole thing are the crowds.
The red angels, brainwashed by the eye, fly around the monster and protect it as if it was some kind of god. If you try to put out the fire, the eye will spot you and whip you with one of the tentacles.
"Our society's values are corrupt."
"How dare you! You're not directly addressing the problem of global warming! Whoo-tssshhh!"
Either that or the red angels will attack you. Speaking of red angels, notice how evil they are
. Attack the eye, and it'll still whip you. If you attack a tentacle and destroy it, whoopty-doo. One in a million.
All the bigger tentacles are very effective when it comes to leaving behind a huge disaster.
What do you think, guys?
The cover is f***ing awesome btw