Paradise Lost songwriting order

thank you Jax for being such an active admin for us. you make me fee like we have a real connection with the band. YOUR THE BEST!!!!
This is a little off topic but not to much...
Does anyone know or have to link that explains what each SX song means???

Me and my buddy have listened to and read the lyrics to all their songs, but some of them we cant figure out....

Now despite my past here I've never called you a cunt! J-Dub however is a facking cunt lol.

No, I'm a grumpy, old, opinionated asshole, & I refuse to take shit from Canadians in general, and NEVER from French Canadians!
The ones with removable tats who can't speak (or type) in English are the absolute WORST! :saint:

Kisses! :Smokedev:
really? Is English not your first language?

*note*I'm honestly not trying to be a dick here. Their stuff is generally pretty straightforward.

Yep, i am a English boy lol
But really, songs like Paradise Lost, Walls of Babylon, Revelation and some others on their other CD's are hard to figure out.

Like most people think Paradise Lost is from Adam's view which is complete bogus...
I was actually thinking of making a thread with all my notes on the songs...
Btw thanks for that link, even though most of those people are wrong lol
ones opinion is never wrong though dude, anyone can interpret music, and the stories / meanings they get from it how they want, and for them its not wrong! However, based on what this thread says, Id have to agree with you. The band had something else in mind, not what those guys are saying!
ones opinion is never wrong though dude, anyone can interpret music, and the stories / meanings they get from it how they want, and for them its not wrong! However, based on what this thread says, Id have to agree with you. The band had something else in mind, not what those guys are saying!

I agree with you mostly.
However someone sees a song, the lyrics, instruments, and what the composer is trying to say, is not relative. The composer has a idea or thought that he is trying to communicate with the listeners.
The listeners can take what they are saying and then use it how they want, but what the composers made, is not opinion.
Hope that made sense.