Paradise Lost - Special Edition

??? I'm not siding with ayreon here so don't bring me into it, and sadly untill its announced officially on this site its not legit (according to the rules, not saying it wont pop up in the future) and to be honest I really hope it does, since it would be freaking awesome! Is there a pricing on this SE pack yet?
Oh and ayreon, I'm sorry if I have sparked something in you to be angry! I simply needed to vent, and did! I voiced my opinion, and despite how many people have either agreed, disagreed or ignored me (zach :) ) it was simply my opinion! YOu however sir are just dragging this on, and blamming people that perhaps should not be blammed.

That being said, I sent this to somebody and I was going to send it to jax! Never got around to it!


As I already stated, yes I did burst out and was acting like a cock so I will not deny it, and in the end I really wasn't trying to put the blame on anyone! My main thought was just that, we where told things that didn't happen...wheter its managements, bands, or your guys fault, they didn't happen! And i'm sorry if I pointed fingers! And I appreciate the very responsible/tact responses, perhaps I should learn something from you! I was simply upset over things that where told would happen but didnt, and I decided to drop the topic, but than when the cd gets leaked (which does suck for the band don't get me wrong) it seemed as though everyone in the world, every site in the world had the news we as fans where supposed to recieve first and for most... Anyway *insert name her*, thanks for listening/reading, and calling me a cock, since I certainly did deserve it, keep on rocking! \m/

I strongly consider you reconsider your thoughts Ayreon, otherwise you wont be around much longer and perhaps this forums will be gone... and not because you're right, or wrong... But because we where clearly, EVERYONE was told to just drop the topic, yet you drag it on! So on your behalf I urge to you to stop it, because you're just making it worse on yourself, you're no longer speaking your opinion and getting flammed, you are now being an annoyance/making it a personal attack and getting flammed even worse!

Anyway...Change of topic! Like I said in the post above, I really hope this is real since it would be very sweet \m/
I don't know...I'm sick of being "Mr. Nice Guy", and "Mr. Patient"...I was patient for 4 years...and as soon as I open my mouth to say one bad thing about Jax or how everything regarding this band has been handled poorly, I get flamed, so...I don't care anymore...

4 years ago. Hummm that would put them at returning from the European tour with Stratovarius. What would the question have been? Was it "when's the next cd coming out because it hasn't quite been 6 months since the last one?" Or was it "Where are you going to tour next?" I'm confused. I'll take patience for 3 years since the brief Queensryche tour or almost 2 years since Gigantour if you would like to rephrase.

btw, Jax has had a while since this thread was started to answer the question...she hasn't, so I am taking it that she won't answer it like she didn't answer any of the other questions (is it a concept album - that thread has been open for a while now, too, yet she can't put in a two or three-letter response? easy to ask Romeo - she has contact with him) that people had for months and years leading up to this album...

Don't know if it's a concept disc or not. Leave that up to the listener I guess. How about linked thematically instead? Does it have to be a concept to be enjoyed more thoroughly?

I think the bonus track discussion was sufficiently covered.

In regard to the SE version of the cd, info is sketchy at best. It's a developing situation. When everythign is finalized, I'm sure you'll be informed.

Jax can only do so much. She's done quite well with everything given the current situation. Demanding that she answers YOUR questions though isn't really bright. She does more than just sit in front of a PC all day long. I'm sure you'd feel the same slings and arrows if the roles were reversed. Suffice to say, you will never know how difficult getting answers can be. There are days where even the band is the last to know. Go figure.
4 years ago. Hummm that would put them at returning from the European tour with Stratovarius. What would the question have been? Was it "when's the next cd coming out because it hasn't quite been 6 months since the last one?" Or was it "Where are you going to tour next?" I'm confused. I'll take patience for 3 years since the brief Queensryche tour or almost 2 years since Gigantour if you would like to rephrase.

Don't know if it's a concept disc or not. Leave that up to the listener I guess. How about linked thematically instead? Does it have to be a concept to be enjoyed more thoroughly?

I think the bonus track discussion was sufficiently covered.

In regard to the SE version of the cd, info is sketchy at best. It's a developing situation. When everythign is finalized, I'm sure you'll be informed.

Jax can only do so much. She's done quite well with everything given the current situation. Demanding that she answers YOUR questions though isn't really bright. She does more than just sit in front of a PC all day long. I'm sure you'd feel the same slings and arrows if the roles were reversed. Suffice to say, you will never know how difficult getting answers can be. There are days where even the band is the last to know. Go figure.
thank you...that was very helpful...I appreciate the, really I really seriously appreciate it...since obviously no one cares about what I have to say for the most part, I am just staying logged out unless I see something that I can really be unbiased about and post a short post then log back out...I can always read the forums as a guest anyway....spare everyone having to keep me blocked...I'll just go back to being a lurker...
Ayreon, for the record I don't have it for you either you know that right? (since you and me kinda sided on things in the past) We are aloud to voice our opinion, there is no law or rule against it, and they let us voice it wheter we where right or wrong, or indiffern't! However Slander is not aloud, and although some people are basically being dicks about it, ignore them and move on! Point is, in essense theyre too differ things speaking your mind can contain all the bitching you want really, as long as you don't point fingers... But when you point a finger and say somone isn't doing they're job properly (even though this has been covered that its not her job last week) and that there are higher forces at work! Anyway slander is against the law basically, not just forum law, but state law! Thanks for hearing me out ayreon, and keep in touch!
Ayreon, for the record I don't have it for you either you know that right? (since you and me kinda sided on things in the past) We are aloud to voice our opinion, there is no law or rule against it, and they let us voice it wheter we where right or wrong, or indiffern't! However Slander is not aloud, and although some people are basically being dicks about it, ignore them and move on! Point is, in essense theyre too differ things speaking your mind can contain all the bitching you want really, as long as you don't point fingers... But when you point a finger and say somone isn't doing they're job properly (even though this has been covered that its not her job last week) and that there are higher forces at work! Anyway slander is against the law basically, not just forum law, but state law! Thanks for hearing me out ayreon, and keep in touch!

My eyes...
thank you...that was very helpful...I appreciate the, really I really seriously appreciate it...since obviously no one cares about what I have to say for the most part, I am just staying logged out unless I see something that I can really be unbiased about and post a short post then log back out...I can always read the forums as a guest anyway....spare everyone having to keep me blocked...I'll just go back to being a lurker...

Aww, wanna hug? You need to stop being so goddamn needy. The world, this forum, SX... none of these things revolve around you. Stop being so impatient and self important. It would be a good start. No one owes you anything. This forum is something else.... Hats off to Jax for having to deal with you all.
Aww, wanna hug? You need to stop being so goddamn needy. The world, this forum, SX... none of these things revolve around you. Stop being so impatient and self important. It would be a good start. No one owes you anything. This forum is something else.... Hats off to Jax for having to deal with you all.
I just love how this forum seems to think that things are worse here than anywhere else and that Jax has to deal with SOOO much...not, really, actually...there are FAR more active message boards than these, that have MULTIPLE forums to moderate, and not just the one that exists here...
don't get them started AGX, people are full of themeselves, nuff said! And I don't think he meant it that way, as so much as Jax has a whole other life, which doesn 't revolve around this forum, and really hats off to her for after a long week of working hard to come here and deal with a pile of crap! I think that is the msg he intended!