paradise lost

@ danny: imo, and despite someone said, believe in nothing is a good album, and certainly worth a listening.
if you want to listen to a couple of songs, i'd suggest "world pretending", "i am nothing", "look at me now", "mouth" (lol, i was supposed to name a couple only).
you'll have a good idea of how the album is. :)
Paradise Lost will play in Cologne, Germany, August 17th on a stage right in the centre of the city, so if anyone here lives near Cologne, you'd check it out - it's for free anyway...
Originally posted by SoundMaster
"Host", although solid, is just missing something....and I dont know exactly what it is. I dont mind the Depeche Mode influences (as I LOVE DM), but I just think that the songwriting was.....lacking.

"Believe in Nothing" was a step back into the right direction but it, too, is just "missing something".
Agree with you, something is really missing in the songwritings... I guess it's the right feeling into the music... and forget the narrowmindedness and that "metal" thing... we just appreciate the music no matter is it synth pop, gothic or whatever...
Icon like gothic takes a few listens to really get into it and believe in nothing isnt to bad at all.Yes Gothic has the old death grunt of Nick Holmes but its one of the more listenable grunts around the opeatic overtones are great but it took me awhile to stop giggling at the female voice{must have been the drugs}
I got into PL with "Draconian Times" which had a few fantastic songs and many good songs. When I got in touch with "Host" later, I found it boring when listening to it for the first time. But then suddenly it turned out to be their best album for me. In my opinion it is a very depressive, introverted album and still has the spirit of older PL stuff, though it's not metal any more. "Believe..." was good, but only contained three really great songs and in my eyes it seemed to be a very "forced" "metal"-album. I'm looking forward to "Deus" and with their new label I expect it to be more metal again though I'd love a "host"-orientated one
Originally posted by LoboUivante
Got everyone until One Second (haven't heard this one yet, i think it has soe Katatonia in it).

If it did have some Katatonia in it, it'd probably be a great album. It's ok, but if Katatonia is a 10, 'One Second' is about a 3. Of course that's just my opinion. :p

But seriously, it's heaps more electronic than Katatonia (who aren't electornic- yet *gulp*), and really nothing like it.
Been a PL fan since the start-first saw them supporting Autopsy in London in 90 i think.Followed their career ever since and Gothic is still my favourite album of theirs.

At the Draconian times period they were on the verge of being massive all over Europe AND the UK-saw them supported by Cathedral and Anathema at Bradford ST Georges Hall and The Forum in London-proper theatre gigs.

Then they decided to change-One SEcond was OK-Host i actually do like though it was a drastic change-Believe In Nothing thankfully features more guitar-Mouth is a particular favourite.
I've read the new stuff is supposed to be heavuier again-we shall see.
the albums i like most are SHADES OF GOD, GOTHIC, and DRACONIAN TIMES

PL has been my favourite band for years, but the last album i bought was HOST,and ihave to admit iwas disappointed.
and seeing them play live wasn't as great as afew years ago when i saw them play ashow that swept me off my feet.
for more than a week i was totally upside down. ('94 i think it was)

i don't know their last album though,maybe i should check it out

i really felt sorry that their music didn't appeal to me anymore so i'm hoping for the next album to be great again
i'm sure i don't want or expect PL( or any other band) to make the same music as they did years ago , but i still keep hoping their next record will move me again,like the older ones used to do
i want those shivers down my spine
The first album I heard from Paradise Lost was Draconian Times and I fell in love with it.

Then I listened to their earlier makes from the beginning and I liked them all from "Gothic".

I have a copy of 'One Second' and there are songs on it which I like much but something has gone from the music. One kinda feeling.

I was disappointed and then I did not even think about them. I did not hear "Host" and I heard only some songs from "Believe in Nothing". But they haven't impressed me much. Though "I am nothing" is good.

I saw only one concert but that was after the release of 'One Second'. It was strange for me that time to see Nick shouting the previous makes with plastic leather pants on whit short hair. It should have been better with the good old long fair curly hair with the good old bald chest ;)

I don't know what they want to do with these electronical stuff. I go to hell when I hear those shitty electronical percussions. It's not only with PL, also with Gahtering f.e... imho.... They ruin the feelings in the songs.

And I miss the great solos from Greg much.

Funny that there are some Depeche Mode songs I like much. But maybe it's because I was about 8-10 years old when my sister listened to them a lot.. (But I think Martin Gore is a good artist)

I heard from someone that PLost played grindcore before their first record release. Does anyone of you know it it's true or not ?
bastet - again, my friend, donr get your hopes too high.

well, it just struck me. am i the only one on earth who likes PL's every single fucking work? i know i'd rather see them with guitars and headbanging, but i liked their electronical stuff SO much. what a dilemma.
I like all Paradise Lost from "Lost Paradise" up till "Draconian Times", that one included. When I listened to "One Second" the first time, I thought it was a nice album. But I got quickly bored by it. Some songs are ok. Some tracks are really catchy. But halfway through the album, I always feel the need to stop the cd player.

If I want to listen to Depeche Mode, I'll listen to Depeche Mode. And I don't need Host as a substitute.

And "Believe in Nothing"... I have to say I really agree with Aldo's review of that album on the page... (
I guess that's the thing with 'One Second'. It's not bad, exactly, it's just not very interesting...

Actually, what really disappointed me was the electronic drums on 'One Second'. The drums on Draconian Times sound so amazing. Even to this day it has probably my favourite drum production, and the playing is just right. Not overly technical, but what is played is played perfectly and in good taste. Like Ringo. Then they basically told the guy to take a back seat while they programmed some electronic beats in for most of the OS tracks...

A travesty of justice, if you ask me.

Draconian Times is an absolute masterpiece, no doubt about that. It stands as a musical monolith from a forgotten era of atmospheric metal's halcyon days.... A pity really, but things change.
and "Forever Failure" (the version with the strong keys) is really amazing!!