Parallel compression - setup what works best for you?


Nov 26, 2009
Im big Jens fan, who used Parallel compression. I don't want to hear any arguements for or against. I just want to hear from those who use it and how you use it.

Do you use sends to a aux track and push into the compressor?

To you send to a separate track the same and blend in the 2track compression?

What works best for you.

What plug in compressors have you used with good results and how do you set them up? AGAIN not after a presets arguement just a rought kinda idea ie slow attack fast release with a limiting ratio?
ReaComp, aux, tried it a couple of times for kick/bass interaction, didn't like it at all. There are probably a lot of better parallel compressors though, but I just feel like it's a tool that I can live without.
I use a 1176 on an AUX, then put the send on the tracks which i want to use it on. I rather do it on the separate snare, and kick auxes (that i have) instead of the entire drum buss, because i don't want to parallel compress the Overheads
Got the waves H-COMP and love it. It has a mix dial with a percentage of the compression that you can add to the original source, easy!:)
Prices of the waves products have dropped, go check em out here;

Price $120 u.s

Seen this idea on several plugins, have it on the Softube FET (1176 style) compressor. Never sure if it works the "same" as the aux method.
I asked this on Joey's forum and got this:
Where it sounds good.

Also a good tutorial on the subject is here:

Pretty straight forward, but I usually just send kick, snare, and each individual tom to an aux track, make those tracks PRE FADER (if possible), then apply your favorite compressor. Either give it a ton of pop, smack, tick, whatever you want to call it or compress it to a point where it doesn't even sound like drums. But using your ears will be a big thing on this one.
^^that is true, unless you want to do some processing on your para comp. In that case, good ol' AUX track with a compressor and other tools (eq, etc.) comes to mind.
I use a 1176 on an AUX, then put the send on the tracks which i want to use it on. I rather do it on the separate snare, and kick auxes (that i have) instead of the entire drum buss, because i don't want to parallel compress the Overheads

Same here 'cept for the 1176 part.
I use a 1176 on an AUX, then put the send on the tracks which i want to use it on. I rather do it on the separate snare, and kick auxes (that i have) instead of the entire drum buss, because i don't want to parallel compress the Overheads

This, although if the OH's/cymbals need a bit help ringing, I send them to a different parallel 1176 comp. Additionally, I often send the paracomp buses back to the main drum bus which is (pretty lightly) compressed with a slow attack/fast release setting.
Often I create 3 bus one for kick one for snare and one for toms, and on this 3 buses I use the sonalksis SV-315 Compressor that sound very good to my hear.
I have the h-comp but I never consider for parralel compressor, I have to try it.