Parallel compression


Jan 21, 2010
I've got a question that anyone (preferably Joey...haha) could elaborate on.
How exactly do you go about drum parallel compression? It's been touched on in this thread a little:

I personally have my main drum bus where I EQ everything and (slightly... I think?) compress snare, hats, overheads, (smashed) room sound just to get a basic drum sound.
I then create another track (paracomp), send all the shells to it, and compress it to fuckery.
Here's what I'm curious about: Where should the paracomp track be sitting volume wise? I used to have it so it's 'there' but you can't actually hear much of a difference. Now I have it as loud as my main drums which completely alters the sound.
My main and paracomp bus/track is then sent to a final drum bus to see the level of it all together.
I totally forgot about making it pre-fader... it's sounding a little better now that I mess with it.
Thanks, ahjteam!
I have to ask....First off I am sorry that I am bumping this thread, but what is pre fader?
GearMan2point0 said:
I have to ask....First off I am sorry that I am bumping this thread, but what is pre fader?

When you make a send that isn't effected by what the level on the fader is
For example, with bass tones I like to do two channels one for bass and one for high end, so I have one track that sends the DI to two different tracks
But if I turn the fader all the way down it won't send to either track
Unless I do a prefader send
Then ya don't hear the DI :D