He's Dead, Jim
The problem is that 'westernizing' the Middle East nowadays seems to be bombing the shit out of them while trying to steal their resources (oil in Iran, Iraq, Libya, lithium in Afghanistan, etc), and promoting hatred and radicalism against the west; keep the wheels of war well greased and going.
Not going to dispute much of your post, but the idea of the U.S. engaging in "resource wars" to nab other countries' stuff, if it ever was true, is certainly no longer the case:

Not to mention that oil is a totally fungible resource, so the fact that we can get it from X country doesn't matter- although the free flow of oil out of the Middle East certainly does (or did, until the shale boom), hence the first Gulf War. And if we went into Iraq and Afghanistan to set up a system that disproportionately benefited us, it seems a bit ludicrous that China, our emerging global competitor, wound up as the largest buyer of oil and mineral resources in both countries.
As for lithium, it's not like we needed to go to Afghanistan to get it- it's all over the western hemisphere in the "lithium triangle" of Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina. Two of those countries shit on us constantly in both rhetoric and national economic policy, and our diplomatic response, to say the least, has been mild over the past decade or more. Most lithium mining companies are Australian and Canadian, not American at any rate.