Barack Obama's New World Order

You know, once God dies, no more destiny. No more logic. It's not gonna suck, because if it does you will die.

I look at all the people in this thread and I see walking graves. I see people who will cry "poor me" and simply die. The NWO is just a catalyst for pain, with it's "leash maneuver".

You know, once God dies, no more destiny. No more logic. It's not gonna suck, because if it does you will die.

I look at all the people in this thread and I see walking graves. I see people who will cry "poor me" and simply die. The NWO is just a catalyst for pain, with it's "leash maneuver".


What are you now, a pre-nihilist? :lol:
You'd be surprised at the extent of my experiences. I don't research this shit, it just comes to me naturally. Such is the extent of an anomaly in nature, Eric.

When Man descends into nature, it's because the monkey took form. Man descended as the monkey grew into man, because man and nature are lovers. Man lived to make copies of himself, and something called Faith made the copies have movement along time. Faith is a component to the universe, so someone who had faith in man created the anomalous event. But who is to say there was only one set of copies?

You'd be surprised at the extent of my experiences. I don't research this shit, it just comes to me naturally. Such is the extent of an anomaly in nature, Eric.

When Man descends into nature, it's because the monkey took form. Man descended as the monkey grew into man, because man and nature are lovers. Man lived to make copies of himself, and something called Faith made the copies have movement along time. Faith is a component to the universe, so someone who had faith in man created the anomalous event. But who is to say there was only one set of copies?


Are your parents related!?
If you've never experienced anything then how would you automatically know. Let me give you a clue... You wouldn't. Your logic is based on assumptions and ideals grabbed from thin air.
You don't deserve that sig pic.

Dude, I don't say much here, usually only lurk, but goddamn, you're a fucking idiot. Sometimes, JUST sometimes, I see something that you post that has the beginnings to be a very worthwhile, well spoken, intelligent post. Then, I read a little more and realize that yet again, I'm a fool for thinking that anything you spew forth is anything other than garbage. We get it, you hate the world. Get in line like the rest of us, or for god's sake, do us a favor and go spray paint your wall in brain matter gray.