Barack Obama's New World Order

Tomorrow for lunch:

The objective of debating is to not prove yourself right, but to prove your opponent wrong.

I'm not debating anything, but if you would like to prove me wrong, I will initiate a debate:

Why is it that a species would die out randomly and suddenly, with no explanation whatsoever?

You cannot, because you pull all of this from your own head and imagination, and have absolutely no steady ground for your argument to stand on. I appreciate what you are trying to do, but you are doing it in much the wrong way.

When I say anything, it's because I'm a douchebag. Just get that in your head right now, because if I don't, the other board members will. Most of my arguments include critical thinking, and because of the nature of the web forum itself, it catches people off guard, and infuriates them when I try to talk about this "Serious business".

But it doesn't prove to me that I'm an idiot. It proves that people here cannot think for themselves. I expect, in all my posts, that people connect the dots to what I'm trying to say. Always. There are no exceptions. Not one. Never once have I posted something on this forum that doesn't require completion.

But, no, Dead Winter. I don't think they will ever be hungry.
You know why I can't expand my idea's into the universal language of mathematics? Because I don't know calculus. Simply put. I can guess what it is all day and night, but without a formal teaching I can't really grasp it. Like my theories. Without really thinking about them, I'd be drawing blank conclusions with no room for expansion. That's why I know I'm right, because nothing has contradicted me so far.

If you don't understand shit, how can you understand when someone contradicts you?
Let me ask you this: A man comes across a calculus paper, but finds it obscure. The same man finds a book in the library, which many before him find obscure, but he understands perfectly and innately. If they are essentially the same document on the basis of content, how is the man wrong when he goes about proving his points based on the book?
Just because someone could read something out of a book doesn't mean they understand it. If that man couldn't do the actual paper without having to look in the book goes to show that he doesn't know wtf he is talking about.
I'm not sure that really get's at what I was saying but ok.

Just because someone could read something out of a book doesn't mean they understand it.

Absolutely. But whoever has two ears to hear had better listen, amirite?

If that man couldn't do the actual paper without having to look in the book goes to show that he doesn't know wtf he is talking about.

I'm not fluent in calculus is what I am saying. I can understand it if it were explained at a rudimentary level, but I've never actually learned the math. That's the thing holding me back from just up and getting my thoughts published. This book doesn't require calculus for one to understand different principles of our universe, like a scientific paper would.

I feel they are both incomplete without each other, actually...
I'm not sure that really get's at what I was saying but ok.

Absolutely. But whoever has two ears to hear had better listen, amirite?

I'm not fluent in calculus is what I am saying. I can understand it if it were explained at a rudimentary level, but I've never actually learned the math. That's the thing holding me back from just up and getting my thoughts published. This book doesn't require calculus for one to understand different principles of our universe, like a scientific paper would.

I feel they are both incomplete without each other, actually...

And this equates basically to you telling us that you would write a book about landing an airplane, but the fact that you don't know the first thing about flying one is the one thing holding you back... Listen to what you are saying man. If you do indeed think that you have all of the answers and such, stop spending so much time on here and go fucking learn calculus or something and get yourself written up in some journal somewhere proclaiming that you have unlocked the secrets of our being, blah blah blah. It seems like you are trying to build a wooden house without a hammer or nails...
And yet you can build a house from a deck of cards. No hammer or nails required.

No, I may not know everything but I do know what I'm talking about. I find using analogies like you did often do not really fit the scenario, as much as both of us would like to deny it, and backfire or just don't hit the button like we want them to. But yet again, here we are at the problem being ME, not what I proclaim as truth, stirring your mind to anger. I do not need calculus, it is YOU who requires calculus. I see it and understand it and live it just fine without the math.

At the same time, however, I do see the need for math, in that the science COULD be very mathematical, and predict different things, like math does for other sciences. So I will endeavor for you, because I care. But if I do, I hope someone is listening.

EDIT: Because it's coming here first.
And yet you can build a house from a deck of cards. No hammer or nails required.

No, I may not know everything but I do know what I'm talking about. I find using analogies like you did often do not really fit the scenario, as much as both of us would like to deny it, and backfire or just don't hit the button like we want them to. But yet again, here we are at the problem being ME, not what I proclaim as truth, stirring your mind to anger. I do not need calculus, it is YOU who requires calculus. I see it and understand it and live it just fine without the math.

At the same time, however, I do see the need for math, in that the science COULD be very mathematical, and predict different things, like math does for other sciences. So I will endeavor for you, because I care. But if I do, I hope someone is listening.

EDIT: Because it's coming here first.

My analogy worked just fine, and as for my 2nd analogy, I did say "wooden" house because I knew you would be a smartass and try to propose building some other type of house. You plainly say that the only thing keeping you from publishing your thoughts is the fact that you don't even have a rudimentary understanding of calculus, much less an expert one, so I fail to see why I am the one who should have to learn it when I don't care about your unsustainable theories in the first place. You seem to think that this has brought me to anger, far from it, as this has been quite a good form of entertainment for me this afternoon (sitting at my theatre, supervising the electricians who are changing out a bunch of lighting, gets boring). So, by all means, keep pushing on, but I assure you, no one cares.