Barack Obama's New World Order

It was a CNN headline, if you didn't notice. But anyways, I'll take my time with this, I think.
That's BS. Facts are facts, it's the opinion that matters. CNN will try to enslave you to what you're seeing NOW by saying things like :"LIVE" or "X number of things YOU NEED TO KNOW about XXXXX!!", and in th process nullify your opinion.

But besides, as a Canadian in Ontario it's the only real American news station I have (And I'm NOT watching Headline News, sorry to say).
It's not a problem for me. I accept myself. And in doing that, I refuse to change just because of the "norm". It doesn't really hinder me in any way, but I am sorry if it has had an adverse effect on your life.
I have them at a disadvantage. They are in a mood where they are not inclined to care. Not their fault, it's kind of the point of being here.

I'm sure nobody will mind my continued presence, but YOU seem to care a great deal about what I say, if I may speak openly :D
I have them at a disadvantage. They are in a mood where they are not inclined to care. Not their fault, it's kind of the point of being here.

I'm sure nobody will mind my continued presence, but YOU seem to care a great deal about what I say, if I may speak openly :D

I could care less what you say, I'd argue with you about damn near anything if time permits and boredom sets in, heh. Just killing time right now until work, listening to The Wall. And of course you can speak openly, I have been all along. I think you are an idiot. :)
Hey Resonator? Yeah.
How old are you, man? Just a simple question.
I can tell by the way you write that you aren't as smart as you think you are or very old. I'm 21. If you're older than that and still writing the way you are, you're really dumb for your age.

But even aside from that...
No matter how amazing your ideas are about reality, perception, the universe or what-the-fuck-ever else you care about, you are obviously not putting any thought into explaining it in a way that anybody cares to read about.

On a basic level, you're a pretentious ass and you probably haven't actually read any philosophical works. Nietzsche? Plato? Aristotle? Perhaps taken a history of religion course? Even an Intro to Philosophy course?
Yeah, didn't think so. You're 19 years old at best, if you're older then may god help you.

Go get smart. Learn to think cohesively. Then come back and preach all your bullshit ideas that aren't original or interesting.
Better yet: Write a fucking philosophy book. If you're respected for it in 50 years then you might be right about something.

In the mean time acknowledge you're probably less intelligent and educated than half the board, so just stfu.

And try not to take this as flaming. I was a pretentious teenager myself. Being smarter than everyone your age is great, really. And even though I'm still pretty young, I'm old enough to know that teenagers are idiots. Especially the misunderstood genius types.
I fail to see the gigantic abyss in maturity and intelligence between the ages of 21 and 19.

College students are funny. I like hamburgers.
You're missing the point. Try to take age out of the equation and see what I'm getting at: Resonator is pretentious and isn't as smart as he wants to be, and should stop trying to be until he is.
I dunno. Of course his writing is extremely unwieldy and probably the most obtuse I've ever come across (Nathan T. Birk is like Dr. Seuss by comparison), but there are teeny bits and pieces here and there that actually make sense.

I kinda have the feeling that I should be pointing the finger at myself for not understanding.

What do I really think? I think he's probably a genius who's completely fucking with us by coming up with random shit off the top of his head and sitting at his desk laughing his ass off at everyone throwing shit at him while his harem girls blow his gigantic cock of which we would all be in envy.
I dunno. Of course his writing is extremely unwieldy and probably the most obtuse I've ever come across (Nathan T. Birk is like Dr. Seuss by comparison), but there are teeny bits and pieces here and there that actually make sense.

I kinda have the feeling that I should be pointing the finger at myself for not understanding.

What do I really think? I think he's probably a genius who's completely fucking with us by coming up with random shit off the top of his head and sitting at his desk laughing his ass off at everyone throwing shit at him while his harem girls blow his gigantic cock of which we would all be in envy.

AHAHAHAHA, that last part nearly fucking killed me. Bravo, bravo.
Look, I'm 23. And in truth, it's not the knowledge I'm preaching. With knowledge, I gain a little more wisdom because of HOW I came across this information. I'm blinded by the majesty of design, in my case, and in yours.

Elimist, perhaps I have no solid case. If you want a clear cut example of the sciences I'm trying to get at, read here. I speak in absolute terms because these are things I have found the explanation to.

Take for example, the third image from the top on that page (The first being the sun and the earth). I know there's a mathematical explanation for that, but I don't know how to describe it in mathematical terms because I am not a mathematician. I KNOW it works but it also involves 3 extra dimensions to define the equations because we not only have the three common dimensions, but we have the 4th, which is time flowing in either forward or backward directions, the 5th which allows time to move in a left or right direction, and a 6th to allow time to move up or down.

These concepts are all new and fascinating to me, but they are conclusions I have drawn from reading the observed reactions in our universe from the books in the Nag Hammadi library. So their validity actually directly affects the validity of these observations. And thus far I have never read a book in that library that has not followed specific guidelines for the operation of the universe.

Those are things which I never dispute. Most scientists don't establish the direct correlation because they have no faith in the books, whereas I do. In a streamlined event over time, I'm literally making a jump between neutral and faith in the books, so naturally, as a completely anomalous event, knowledge will find a way to seep into my understanding.

I understand my observations are obscure. And yes, there have been times where I have just fucked around with you guys to establish my theories as true. But for the most part, I don't. I take my research very seriously and I spare no boundaries.

Big Pampa had a stomach ache and vomited the sun and the animals on earth. Figure that out (I already have).

I harbor no ill will for any of you. If it has not been noted already, I have been humoring you because you don't understand that by having faith in the quest for knowledge, THAT SIMPLE LITTLE FACT is an anomaly that ALLOWS (Just like a backdoor to the universe) that knowledge to come to you. So IF you have faith in what I say, or what Einstein says, and have faith that understanding will come in time, IT WILL.

These are things I have come across, lived, and finally understand. It is a universal fact and I'm on the verge to explaining that with that document.

EDIT: So, more about me.

I'm 23. I don't work. I have glasses and brown long hair. I enjoy computers and theology and bicycle repair. I also aspire to build electric and acoustic guitars one day. My eyes are green. I associate 3 different aspects to my whole body. I used to masturbate frequently, but now I masturbate very little, and without the use of my hands. I enjoy weed every so often, and dream of bursting into flames one day. My tastes in music are eclectic but focus on Heavy Metal (Specifically Prog and Power metal). Sometimes, I come across as a douchebag. I am sorry.