Barack Obama's New World Order

Your unwillingness to understand is the problem. If this was simply the way the world worked, what the hell could I say to sway your mind? You think that my posts are unintelligible?


I can't stand it when I say things so obviously, and people don't get it. So let me rephrase "you don't deserve that sig pic." for you:

If you can't understand WHY that particular event should happen, or what that event is, you advertise something that simply looks cool, without understanding, and simply out of desire. And it bothers me to hell.
Your unwillingness to understand is the problem. If this was simply the way the world worked, what the hell could I say to sway your mind? You think that my posts are unintelligible?


I can't stand it when I say things so obviously, and people don't get it. So let me rephrase "you don't deserve that sig pic." for you:

If you can't understand WHY that particular event should happen, or what that event is, you advertise something that simply looks cool, without understanding, and simply out of desire. And it bothers me to hell.

Unwillingness to understand the problem? I believe that title is more fitting for you, my friend. You are the one who said that these things just "come to you naturally" and you really never did any research. I do, however, do quite a lot of research on these things and I realize very much that we are at the cusp of a New World Order. As for my imagination, I don't have to use it, all of the evidence of a NWO is already there, you just have to find it. So, instead of prancing around in lala land with you and your imaginary friends, while skipping down New World Order Terrace, why don't you actually take some time off of this board, where it is quite apparent that not a single person on here could give a rat's ass about you or your opinion, and actually go do some real worthwhile research on this subject. Maybe then, you can return, and instead of looking like a complete and utter fool who forgot to take his "blue pill" this morning, you might actually seem to know what in the fuck you are talking about.
Because evil bastards hide the truth. I, likewise, am the opposite. You see, I blend fire with nature in this way by shedding love into both of them. My fire is my passion, and my nature is my goodwill.

I could care less if you like it or not. One day, down the road to la la land, you'll find this information useful. I don't care how much you despise it now.
The illuminated stanza presented on the viewing apparatus, delivered from the messages you conceive, manifest the form of approximal cretinism.
Because evil bastards hide the truth. I, likewise, am the opposite. You see, I blend fire with nature in this way by shedding love into both of them. My fire is my passion, and my nature is my goodwill.

I could care less if you like it or not. One day, down the road to la la land, you'll find this information useful. I don't care how much you despise it now.

I don't, and never will, find your information useful. It is harmless dribble. I actually, like most people on here, like to do my own research into things and find things out on my own. Only then, can I truly appreciate what I have found. Evil bastards hide the truth? That's what the internet is for, sweetheart. I'm sorry that you find it too hard to find "the truth", but there are thousands upon thousands of websites, books, people, lectures, etc... that are dedicated to the cause of exposing all of this. Try starting there. Let someone make their own decision, because if you try to force it down their throats, especially in a manner that makes you out to be a douche consistently, then you are doing nothing but hurting the very cause that you are fighting for. Give it a fucking rest.
You will never be sure about my truth. That's the beauty of it. I could sit here and contradict everything you think contradicts my views, and I've tried, but it didn't work for the same reasons you hate it. I could tear down the establishment of security you call science because science itself does not go as far as I can. It does not establish a firm working ground to operate from. It draws from observed things, and is so stupidly close to knowing the truth that I would smack myself if I was a little more angry.

Why? Because the answers lie in religious text. That's the no-no zone for scientists. And that's where they all fail because they have no imagination, no will to draw a conclusion that, no matter how wrong, always corrects itself in time.

But you know what? You just don't care. Why should I prove myself to you when my words speak for themselves? That's YOUR problem. You let ME interfere with your understanding. That's YOUR failure, and you can't deny it.
You will never be sure about my truth. That's the beauty of it. I could sit here and contradict everything you think contradicts my views, and I've tried, but it didn't work for the same reasons you hate it. I could tear down the establishment of security you call science because science itself does not go as far as I can. It does not establish a firm working ground to operate from. It draws from observed things, and is so stupidly close to knowing the truth that I would smack myself if I was a little more angry.

Why? Because the answers lie in religious text. That's the no-no zone for scientists. And that's where they all fail because they have no imagination, no will to draw a conclusion that, no matter how wrong, always corrects itself in time.

But you know what? You just don't care. Why should I prove myself to you when my words speak for themselves? That's YOUR problem. You let ME interfere with your understanding. That's YOUR failure, and you can't deny it.

Well, if you know all of the answers, oh omniscient one, why in the hell are you posting them here? Why not take them to a higher plain to help your fellow man even more? I'll tell you why.

A.) You are so full of shit that you are damn close to suffocating in it.
B.) You might just be the most epic troll in the history of the Neverboard.
C.) Because no one would give a damn on a higher plain either.

Stop portraying yourself as someone who has all of the answers to bestow upon everyone and you might get treated a little better here. Quite honestly, you get on enough people's nerves, I am surprised that you haven't been banned yet. I've seen it done here for less.
My thoughts exactly. But onto the banning, I'm not the one trolling every topic here. They have no reason to ban me, because they would HAVE TO ban everyone else in this thread (Save Dead Winter).

You know why I can't expand my idea's into the universal language of mathematics? Because I don't know calculus. Simply put. I can guess what it is all day and night, but without a formal teaching I can't really grasp it. Like my theories. Without really thinking about them, I'd be drawing blank conclusions with no room for expansion. That's why I know I'm right, because nothing has contradicted me so far.
That's why I know I'm right, because nothing has contradicted me so far.

That's a poor argument. I'll tell you why. Most religious fanatics can argue that same point and be right to a very large degree. Does that mean that they are right? Absolutely not. You have been watching too much "Thank You For Smoking". The objective of debating is to not prove yourself right, but to prove your opponent wrong. That seems to be what you are trying to achieve here, and it isn't going to work. In reality, the only way to prove a point is to prove your own facts are that, facts. You cannot, because you pull all of this from your own head and imagination, and have absolutely no steady ground for your argument to stand on. I appreciate what you are trying to do, but you are doing it in much the wrong way.
haha not even close. He's not even significant enough for a ban.

I don't know, I mean, he hasn't gone out of his way to insult everyone, etc..., but just on the sheer stupidity factor while thinking that he is actually quite intelligent, that at least deserves him a spot among the other greats. I keep forgetting about LRD (perhaps that's a good thing, haha), no one will ever usurp him from his/their/her/its' throne.