Parralele layering with a mono track ?

...however that is the perfect recipe for some potentially awful comb filtering.

but don't take my word for it... give it a shot and see what happens. :)
I could be reading this wrong, but the only effect you'll get duplicating a track like that is just making it louder. I don't think it would have any effect on gluing the mix.
So you want to bounce out a mono track and then blend it in with your stereo track?

You could do EXACTLY the same thing by panning everything more to the centre.
I have never heard of anyone doing this, ever. My guess is because it won't help anything, but I would love to hear results to judge.
I don't see why you'd want to do this. Stereo bounce maintains your panning. Your stereo image comes from having different information on the left and right. By mixing in the mono track you'll now be putting all sound equally on both sides. So essentially it sounds like the biggest difference in your track will be that now you have your original track with a healthy dose of what was in the other channel coming into the other side. I've never tried it but I imagine you could get the same results just by panning more towards the middle.
If you pan toward the middle, you lose a part of your spectrum.
In the case I'm talking about, you just put a little bit of bandwidth where your spectrum is more free.

The result is pretty neat, the whole song still sounds balanced but there's just a little subtle change you can't really notice.

I'll post examples soon.

Its a different way to do it, but it is the exact same thing as panning toward the center. Unless you're totally screwing with the phase somehow.
I know its a different process, but in the end you are just narrowing your stereo image. Are you processing the mono track differently or something?