Parts in songs that send shivers down your spine.

There's a countless amount of songs for me. But I'll list some of the ones that come to mind first.

Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor(1:00 and onwards)

Black Sabbath - Headless Cross, the chorus in Heaven In Black

Edguy - Tears Of A Mandrake, Golden Dawn, The Pharaoh

Gamma Ray - Rebellion In Dreamland, the intro to Heading For Tommorrow, Dream Healer, Heal Me, Strangers In The Night(what a fucking epic song haha)

Helloween - Halloween, Keeper Of The Seven Keys, Grapowski's Malmsuite 1001, Mission Motherland, King For A 1000 Years,

Iced Earth - Dante's Inferno, Birth Of The Wicked, The Phantom Opera Ghost

Iron Maiden - Flight Of Icarus, Powerslave, Rime Of The Ancient Mariner(the section leading up to the solo and including it is probably the most memorable moments of epicness)

Judas Priest - Blood Red Skies, Hard As Iron, The Rage, The Sentinel

Testament - Over The Wall solo
I now have three bands to check out thanks to your post, -CC-.

Sweet, which ones if I may ask?

I love that song.

The entire album is great! I've seen them twice now and both times they pretty much just played Communion in its entirety with maybe 1-2 older songs.

Also if you guys give me some good recs for future edition I will smack your UM name in the video description :) sorry guys no money! Just the vitals - band name+song and the time (i.e from 0:15-0:45), a bonus will be awarded if you link the song from youtube
Bumping this thread and shamelessly promoting part 7 and 8 of my video series of great moments in metal. This thread has helped me out with choosing some parts in previous editions

Part 7

46) Slugathor - The Smoke
47) Gorelord - Sprayed With Gasoline
48) Blut Aus Nord - Inner Mental Cage
49) Ingested - Cremated Existence
50) Darkthrone - Kaatharian Life Code
51) Cephalic Carnage - Exhumed Remains
52) Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas

Part 8

53) Bolt Thrower - Graven Image
54) Demilich - The Echo (Replacement)
55) Kongh - Counting Heartbeats
56) Martyr - Havoc
57) Septic Flesh - Lovecraft's Death
58) Nokturnal Mortum - Autodafe / Barbarian's Dream
59) Belphegor - Chronicles of Crime
60) Bloodbath - Hades Rising

Damn, thats a lot of good stuff right there. Have to agree 100% with that Bloodbath - Hades Rising part. Its my favorite melodic riffing\solo part in a death metal song of all time. Makes me understand why im a fan of this music.:notworthy
What about Amogh Symphony - Cyborg Activation ; 59 secs to 1:21

Had never heard of them before, pretty good stuff! I will consider it for my next edition

Damn, thats a lot of good stuff right there. Have to agree 100% with that Bloodbath - Hades Rising part. Its my favorite melodic riffingsolo part in a death metal song of all time. Makes me understand why im a fan of this music.:notworthy

Thanks man! Glad you liked it
Didn't figure you'd like Martyr! Their album Feeding the Abscess is a must-have if you're into tech death!
Damn, thats a lot of good stuff right there. Have to agree 100% with that Bloodbath - Hades Rising part. Its my favorite melodic riffingsolo part in a death metal song of all time. Makes me understand why im a fan of this music.:notworthy

I completely agree with that. That's some seriously kvlt melody.
Most recently, 1:30 into In Thy Never Ending Way by Orphaned Land, when the everything stops and the guitar kicks in...always have to rewind that half a dozen times every time the song comes on. LOVE it. :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy


And this. Simply a masterpiece of a song.
Devourment - tomb of scabs


One by one i watch them die, my tomb holds more than meets the eye
From rape to torture, beatings too they die, but i have more to do
My urges force me to violate
Theses bitches in their butchered state
Slicing throats while i inject my blood soaked member
Cumming into their slaughtered womb

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Dissection - No Dreams Breed in Breathless Sleep

Hammers of Misfortune - The Trial And The Grave

Solitude Aeternus - Mirror of Sorrow

My Dying Bride - The Crown of Sympathy
Opeth- Face of Melinda

About 4.30 into the song it goes into the distorted guitar part, ultimate heavy melody- amazing.
opeth - bleak (3:14 onwards (the vocal change) )
blind guardian - and the story ends (chorus)
black sabbath - black sabbath ( intro)
but there is a fuck load more... \m/
