Party stories


Firekeeper Member (FFC)
Apr 15, 2007
I thought instead of talking the party storyies in other threads we could take it here^^ and also I have a story from last night's party.

After hard partying we found a person we recoginzed lying in sleep and drunk as hell and he had puked over his shirt.

Some of my friends screamed: "Let's Head him!" (don't know the word in english, it's when you put the dick head on him and tells him he have been headed :rofl:)

And so some of them headed him all over the face, and I just stood their really laughing my ass off :rofl: DAMN! Just thinking of it makes me laugh :rofl: and so another friend got the stupid idea to head him on the mouth and when he did.. the drunken person shot out his toungue :rofl: damn.. :rofl:

And after a half an hour the drunk person stood up and screamed "HALLELUJA" and fel on the floor again. Then we wanted him out of the house so we called the cop to go get him and they placed him in a drunken cell^^

Lot's of stuff happened that party but this was the funniest most wierd thing I could remember^^

let's tell party stories!
Well I went out last night, but there's not much to tell. Was in the pub from about 9pm (which is late for me) so I was like "MUST DRINK FAST AND CATCH UP". Bad idea? Aye. So I'm wearing this really cute top, it's got long sleeves but you tie it at the back (it's pretty much backless). And it's black and white and I spilt jager all down it :(

So I'm like "I HAVE TO TAKE THIS TOP OFF!". Thankfully I had a wee teeny tank top thing underneath it. But my boobs were pure out and I was dead paranoid. But aye, the amount of guys that talked to me after I spilt jager on that top...

One guy came up to me and told me he was in my music class at school and I was like o_O
In school he dressed like a ned/chav/trendy - now he listens to metal. Weird.

Anyway, I started talking to the girl behind the bar about her piercings, she was dead lovely. Well hot aswell. And I ended up doing my usual "binge drinking" and getting 5 shots of apple sourz and downing them before leaving.

Anyway to the point of my story you ask!? I got in a taxi eventually after talking to people outside for an hour. And I puked. Then I got out the taxi, sat on the pavement...and puked some more. Then I got in...and you guess it...puked some more...into a bin o_O

So today I am hungover...and that is apparently funny. People are evil. I am slowly being cured by Irn Bru and I'll be out again tonight. Again...there wasn't really anything funny about my story...but that'll do for now ^_^

Hopefully tonight there shall be some shennanigans as I'm meeting my friend Emy in the pub (she's like one of Firewinds biggest ever fans!). Good times!

PS - Eddie...I don't know about heading some but in Glasgow when something like that happens...we do something called 'teabagging'. When you place a set of balls on someones face when they are passed out. I actually have a picture of someone doing it to my friend on my digital camera! Another variation of 'teabagging' is 'Arabian goggles'....which is just when you drop your balls onto their eyes.

Lovely stuff.

Love you guys!

xx Kirsty

PS - just remembered...people made me squirt beer from my lip piercing :rolleyes:
hahahahhaa yeah :rofl: but it wasn't teabag, here in sweden we head ppl instead^^ putting the head on them :rofl: And, your story were quite enjoying now in my boring hours.. and one more thing.. is there even a bigger firefan than you out there? O_O
hahahahhaa yeah :rofl: but it wasn't teabag, here in sweden we head ppl instead^^ putting the head on them :rofl: And, your story were quite enjoying now in my boring hours.. and one more thing.. is there even a bigger firefan than you out there? O_O
You sick Swedish folk!

Maybe...maybe there is...who knows. But I doubt it XD lol, nah seriously though, for my birthday I plan to have the Firewind logo tattoo'd across my back. 13 days and counting people. 29th September.

xx Kirsty
You sick Swedish folk!

Maybe...maybe there is...who knows. But I doubt it XD lol, nah seriously though, for my birthday I plan to have the Firewind logo tattoo'd across my back. 13 days and counting people. 29th September.

xx Kirsty

Ooooh 29th of September. A very good friend of mine has her birthday on that day too. And that day will be a big one over here, a good bunch of my friends are having their graduation ceremony so it's going to be a total slugfest mwahaha. Since I always seem to be the last one standing (self acknowledged alcoholic, thank you), I'll be the one taking pics and videos. Promises to be loooooooooooads of fun. I'll think of you too getting your tattoo :p

Ok, then I gotta reply to this thread..

Eddie - WHAT KIND OF MONSTERS ARE YOU UP THERE?!?!?! STICK YOUR FRIEND UP IN A DRUNK CELL?!?! *sighs* And I thought you Scandinavians had the best rating for your "cost of living" over there... Sheesh, call the cops and have them stick your buddy in a cell. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong again. I knew there had to be something wrong in your country, you have it too good: amazingly hot women, the cold, amazing music. Now, along with expensive liquor, you get friend betrayal. EVIL! THAT'S EVIL I SAY!!!

(Ok this is shaping up to be a long post, but I don't care, you people don't do much anyways lol And it's a Sunday for crying out loud... So you could use some nice lecturing. Or reading. However you take it. Now stop smiling and keep reading. Bitch.)

Now, if I was in your situation... After wiping the cum off his face (well not me), I'd throw him in the shower to freshen him up, then make him drink salted coffee to puke his guts out, clean him up and let him sleep somewhere. See, I'm nice. I'm H-U-M-A-N. Evil white man over here sticks his buddy up in a jail cell. Pffff. Remind me to cockslap you when I see you. Kirsty is right about you "sick Swedish folk"

And Kirsty... 9pm late?!? How are we gonna function in Copenhagen, 9pm is EARLY for me. That's when I have pre-dinner. Get with the program woman! At least you can sort of control your puke... Lol

And you're probably wondering: "Well what about one of your stories, you fuckin' Nazi?!" Hum... Well, let's see...
Well I can share one that happened a few months ago, really funny/embarassing... But mainly funny.

So, I was invited to a friend's house because we hadn't seen each other in a while. I knew just like 4 guys (2 brothers - their house, and 2 other guys) and I was introduced to this other guy. All the liquor we had was 8 bottles of wine (1,5L each), one special vodka that I prepared, a bottle of sambuca, 3 beers and a tiny bottle of Goccie Imperiale (Imperial Drops. 95%). So, my friends were telling the guy that when it came to alcohol, I was like a Ferrari and they were like a Fiat (Italians and cars... lol) So anyways, while we were waiting for the girls to arrive, I got bored and popped open a bottle of wine and we started drinking. The girls got there and I was already in overdrive, hogged a whole bottle for myself. We opened the vodka (that is totally killer), and doing shots and all... Then some buddies of mine called me, asking where I was and I told them to drop by the party.

When they got there, I was pretty tipsy already, going from the stade of drinking wine to just shooting the whole glass, so I somehow finished 2 bottles by myself in like... Well I don't remember how long, but apparently it wasn't long. So, there I was with some of the guys, cracking drunk jokes and one of the girls comes up to us and asks me what I'm talking about that could be so funny. I told her that I was cracking bukkake jokes, and then asked her if she knew what it was. She said no, so I was going to explain it to her when the guys kept on interrupting me because they thought that it would be too vulgar for her or stuff, or that she'd be mad. I told them to fuck off (all of this has been told to me the next day cos I don't remember any of this), and I explained to her what bukkake was under the complete shocked looked of the guys. Since, I said it so matter-of-fact, the girl actually smiled and said that it was interesting and came around the bar to me, and then apparently I did some magic tricks with her that she absolutely loved... And then we disappeared for 20 minutes.

No one knows what happened, because I don't remember, and no one knows lol. When I came back, I had way more drinks, finished the Imperial Drops with a friend (instead of wetting our lips, we just chugged it). By then, I was thoroughly, but thoroughly drunk. I was swearing blasphemies left and right, which had my friends laughing (cos they know I'm like that), and which had the other people I met that night (including the guy in the beginning) frowning and mad because they're Christians. But what my buddies told me was that those people weren't actually fun in the beginning, so it didn't change much lol.

So there I was, wrecking havoc, drinking everything I could get my hands on. I then stumbled out on the terrace and one friend followed me, asking if I was gonna puke. I asked him if he wanted me too, and he said "Ok, give me your camera, I'll film you". So, I made myself puke from the 6th floor terrace while my friend was filming (and it nearly made him puke). Then I went in, finished like another drink and then went to puke in the bathroom... And then apparently, I left without telling anyone but I thought I had because there are pictures of me outside the apartment with another one of my buddies who was there that night. Then I remember puking before going in the cab, and then when I was in the cab, the guy was really nice and told me to sit in front and took care of me, I got home, drank loads of water and passed out on my bed with the trash can next to me.

Woke up next day to have everything I just wrote told to me by one of my friends who thought I had jumped from the 6th floor because they couldn't find me hahahahaha. And then adding that he'd never seen me that drunk, and now knows that wine mixed with vodka mixed with sambuca mixed with Imperial Drops mixed with beer will knock down even the Great Spike.

And thus is my piece of writing for the day. Hope you enjoyed it :kickass:
I absolutely loved that story :D Wait...



But yeahk, 9pm is WELL late for me. Most weekends I can be found in the pub at like 5.30-6pm onwards.

I can't wait for PPScan...actually. It's just gunna be such a piss up. An excuse to get WRECKED and act like a true Scot. I think Alan is bringing a Scottish flag. You guys should bring a flag from your home countries aswell. Denmark won't know what's hit it!

Just don't let me fall in any hedges, puke on any pavements, get pulled up by any police or even worse....end up in a drunk cell! Haha!

There will be some epic party stories I'm sure about PPScan :lol: Ooooh, and more epic drunk stories about Senderos Del Rock Festival.

We're only there from the Saturday to the Sunday so we'll only be staying in the hotel for one night. So I think I can safely say I want a party in the hotel room!

xx Kirsty
oops, I think I mixed something wrong in my story dammit :rofl: it was like this.. there were someone else being picked up by the cops in the drunken cell, but also they tried to call the police to get our friend up that cell but they never came.. and even my friend called them just cuz he didn't endure to walk home :rofl: and after all.. it wasn't me nor my idea to call the cop:p
and the drunken cell, you just sit there until morning when you are clean again then they let you out=) sweden also have the best prison. if you're homeless in sweden you SHOULD commit a crime to get into jail... here it is: in jail you get 5 scores of food each day and every score costs around 5 euro. and in our school we get ONE score of food a day which only costs 0,5 euro.. so the prison is much better, it also have better food and you get computer in there and everything.. the prison in sweden is kinda lame as you see =) so calling the cops in sweden is just an honor for the person like :rofl: and I know cuz my bro sat in prison for some small shit things and told me, and everyone else tell that who have sit in there.

Nice story btw spike!
Prison here is an utter piss take aswell.

Everything here is. If you sneak in from another country (illegal immigrant) we have to put them up in a house. Rent free might I add. And all they need to do is pay bills. And a lot of the time they get that paid from all the benefits they are claiming. Never having to work a day in their life. Bastards.

My mum works in a Chinese restaurant taking orders and once a week the prison guards collect meals and take them to the prison for the prisoners that have been good or whatever. FUCKED UP.

xx Kirsty
I was at the Whisky Festival yesterday, can't remember what I drank but it was the total sex.... And no hangover!!

Oh by the way, I drank a bottle from 1965... 42 yr old Whisky ftw!
No real fun stories...

On Saturday night we went to the pub, had a couple and my friend phoned me "we're on our way to the union, wanna come"?

Student booze, AYE.

So me, Alan and Goldwyn head to the Union in town. Phone our friend and he's like "We're at the QUEEN MARGARET Union". So we're like "LOL @ US" and get the subway to the QMU.

And the about 200 people long.

I got frisked though and was trying to chat up the wee frisker man by telling him that my friend wanted searched again.

So we got drunk, left at 3am and found a takeaway and got a munchie box (chips, donner meat, chicken pakora, mushroom pakora, vegetable pakora, spicy chicken stuff that I forget the name of but is AWESOME and salad in a 12" pizza box). OOFT.

Got home about 4.30am. I had work at 12pm the next day. Bad times.

EDIT: OH!!! And last night me and my boyfren were in KFC and this girl walks in in a teeny wee mini skirt. So we're like "OOFT, check her out". Then she walks up the stairs and we could see right up her skirt....and here comes the best bit. SHE WASN'T WEARING AND UNDERWEAR. My face was like O_____O

xx Kirsty
I was at a gig, listening to the band with beer in hand and this round cherubic chick who thought she had a nice ass was dancing around and flipping up her skirt to show what she thought was a fine ass. I had one to many eyefulls of that chubby ass so the next time she turned her back and lifted her skirt I kicked a big metal trash can full of beer bottles and it hit her right in that round ass of hers and knocked her flat to the ground. She was throw out of the place for being too drunk and causing a scene. They didn't do a thing to me! hahahaha! :heh:
Haha! Awww ^_^

I can safely say I've only been kicked out of a place once for being too drunk and it was on my 17th birthday.

I've been denied entry to places a few times for being too drunk though.

xx Kirsty
I woke up in Kirsty's bed... What was I doing there? I don't know. Why wasn't she in the bed? I don't know. Why don't I have a hangover? I don't know. Why isn't there music playing?

.... Because fuckin' Eddie stole the stereo. Fuckin' Swede...
-SpikeMilan- Kirst-ehhh Eddie-teh-Swede


Well I went out at about 11.30pm last night! LAAAATE! Went to some kind of 'trendy' nightclub but I had a better time than I would have if I'd have went to the metal club (boring generic shit played all the time i.e. Drowning Pool, Korn, Marilyn Manson).

So instead I boogied on down to The Vengaboys and old cheesy 70's and 80's classics :lol:

Waited in the taxi queue for 1 hour and 10 minutes but it was awright because we were standing talking to my friends mum and her boyfriend. Heh.

I danced like a crazy fool with some hefty sweaty guy and I was like "SoOoOoOo I need to go get a drink......" *runs off*

OOOOH! WAIT! On Friday night we went to my boyfriends mums house and she went to bed about 2am and we sat up and did each others corpse paint!!!! Hahahahaha! We took pictures of each other looking GR1M and KVLT!

I need to find a way to get the pics from my mobile to the PC! They are so good. We've decided that we're dressing up as Immortal for Halloween. Me, Alan and another of our friends who is yet to be decided. Heh.

xx Kirsty

xx Kirsty