Patterns II and Still Day


Apr 29, 2001
Ok guess what people!!!
I'm just giving 10 listens to these 2 new tracks on the BWP reissue cd. They sound so damn beautiful, near a tear in my eyes. "Lovely" doesn't even sum it up properly. Nice......
At first Patterns II was my fav, maybe it still is, until I play Still Day and I'm thinking.. Mmmmm...
Both. :p

The cd looks fantastic too. I haven't been able to play the Harvest video yet as I think my computer is missing something so I'll try at work tomorrow and let you know what I see. I can't wait!! But for now these songs are just so overwhelming to hear I can't worry about what I'm missing just yet. I'm so stunningly satisified here..... :)

Also, I got a copy of the vinyl of Still Life! It is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Gatefold and top quality all the way! Haven't played the vinyls, just got home from UK. But fucking hell it's nice, I kept looking at the vinyl trying not to drool you know. :D

Ok.. one more thing while I'm trying not to brag or anything... I gotta spill the beans cause.... well...............
I heard a few exerpts of the NEW opeth demo! :eek: FUCKING HEll huh!! Yes they were sounding incredible. Some great riffs! And melodies!! One riff in particular that I totally loved but I don't know what song but it was playing in my left ear, sounding haunting. He kept fast forwarding to different parts so it's more like a collage of sounds that I recall. I was going to get to hear them again yesterday, but my 5 hour drive got delayed 3 hours cause of a bollocks traffic jam so by then it was too late to play it. :cry:
Still.... lots to look forward too!!!
redblueyes. Who the fuck are you and why have you got all this stuff?

I'm assuming that the re-issue will be released in australia on the 4th of april 2007, and the new albums will be released 27 of September 34534.

in other words, I'm tired of waiting while the rest of the words gets stuff.
where can I pre-order the limited editin of bwp??? I´m gona kill me If I wotn get it!
Didn't you know? RedBluEyes is officially Opeth's biggest fan! I'll bet that she's seen Opeth more times than anyone else on the planet (barring tour managers, roadies, etc.), not that I'm jealous or anything. I'm sure the band will agree (are any of you guys thanked in BWP like she is?)?

Good to see you had fun!

Hello again!
Thought I'd pop in again to say, I just watched the Harvest video footage on the BWPII release! Wow, way cool to see the guys makin their magic. :D It's not all just the recording exactly. The Harvest song plays in the background and the video is random stuff of recording, listening back, and generally just living in the studio for 8 weeks I guess... except entwining it all is Mikael strumming the acoustic guitar of the song. It's fkn killer!

To answer a few questions... yes I am a longtime supporter of the band and I hope (I think) their biggest fan. Over the years I've become good friends with them, so that is why I got the stuff early. I'm still very honoured tho to get any of their stuff as it's quite exciting, obviously, because of being such a huge fan. :D

As to "how" I heard the new stuff...... well... Mikael actually played me the songs on his headphones is how! Its not out for download I'm sure, and even if I had a copy I certainly wouldn't go spreading it, sorry for that bad news, huh!:p
I don't know which (hard/soft) cd it was from as it was a bit of soft and heavy that I heard. It was all good tho!!
You are oh so cruel!!

I'm beeming evil jealousy waves at you from the other side of the world.. Receive them well!

And howdy, and I'm glad you like it, and can't wait to hear it myself.

Might you be able to answer me a question?

Do you know if BWPII will be released in Australia on a reasonable date compared to the rest of the world. Because if it comes late, like a few weeks later than other countries, I won't be buying it, but downloading it... Because I don't want to see people here talking about it spoiling the surprises before I get a chance to hear it..

But redblueyes is an exception though.. =)

No shit. That's all I can think reading this thread.

::anticipation boils::

No shit.

::blank stare::

OK, shh!!!! Nobody speak another word of new Opeth until it's readily available. Thank you for your cooperation. ;)
hearse: my typo was pretty hilarious. Of course I thought we were engaged, not in a ganged... hahah.

demonspell. Yeh I don't understand your reply really.. but perhaps you have missed something..... (or the beers have just clouded my understanding of what you're implying).

As Mikael and elsewhere have already posted....
the 2 new tracks that are on the upcoming re-issue of Blackwater Park are titled "Still Day Beneath the Sun" and "Patterns in the Ivy Part II".

They are incredible. Sad. and hauntingly beautiful.
I will pay you $1000 to call me and hum everything you heard onto my voicemail.
Gotta give Hondo points for originality there. :lol:
Post Edit: Such a small post and I still manage to bollocks it. Sucks to be me.....