Paul Bostaph left

Not a surprise at all. Still a big shame. He really fit the band. Since Gene, Dave and Johnny are too busy these days, I really hope Jon Allen gets the job. Out of the handful of drummers that haven't been in Testament at some point of their careers I'd pick Bobby Jarzombek, Matt Vander Ende, Alain Demers, Tad Leger, Hannes Grossmann, Patrice Hamelin, Peter Haas or Marquis Marky. I'm not a big drum guy, but hearing any of them in Testament would rule. They'll probably get a friend of theirs in the band, someone they can trust and have fun with, which is a good thing as long as he's not too busy with other projects. I just hope it's no one in the vein of Nick Barker, who's a great and very talented dude, but that kind of style doesn't fit Testament at all and it was probably the only member of the band I was happy to see leave.
I'm not surprised either.I'm glad for what he did but I'm also glad for someone new.didn't Jon Allen does some shows for The Gathering tour? I think Nick totally deserves a second chance.By the way has this been verified?
What happened to the news section on Testaments site? I can't find anything on Paul leaving on facebook or myspace.Guess I'm gonna look on Blabbermouth, bleh
Jon was actually in the band for a couple of years. Until 2004 I think. As for Nick, I saw them play with him and he didn't fit. His drums were overwhelming and sloppy I think. I believe he fits in death metal well, but Testament's music requires something else. Just my opinion.
It does seem a little weird.What about those special Testament drums he got?He was also just saying how he couldn't wait to play with them again.I bet he just didn't want to follow Gene!(can't blame him there) And yeah Dan Nelson is an odd choice.Why would he want to alienate Anthrax as a potential touring buddy?
I thought there were parts on Formation that he did the drums very well.But I also missed the intensity the drums on The Gathering had.
And that is what I hope Gene brought to the table.
...Tempesta rules! how the hell can he be satisfied playing in the Cult?!
I believe that in the Cult Johnny has the chance and honour to play with one of the bands he grew up listening to, plus I can imagine it is financially rewarding. However, artistically, Testament is the place he can really spread his wings in. That's perhaps the most dynamic drummer they've ever had. I love how he adds his input to the older songs, like Electric Crown.

I'm wondering if they have actually approached Gene about joining the band again, although knowing how many different bands and projects he's in, he probably couldn't fully concentrate on Testament and I bet that's not what they're aiming for right now, when there's a new album to promote.
I can't believe that the guys from the Cult are much if any older than Tempesta,and I have no idea what the Cult sells.But I thought they hadn't had a real album in a long time.But I do know Testament isn't hurting with something like 3 hundred thousand copies of Formation sold.
I like some of the Cults stuff but you are right he plays the old Testament stuff so well,He really adds to the songs.I would love him to join.
Gene just kind of floats around but I'd be happy if he joined as well.
Tempesta should seriously be hired as an permanent replacement, IMO. Paul did a great job with Testament, being a powerful and technical drummer, but I think lacks the input and creativity compared to Tempesta, who has shown it again and again throughout all those years. Making the actual songs sound 10 times more interesting both in studio, and more importantly in their live appearances. Just watching the Live in London DVD makes my jaw drop in awe.
Johnny Tempesta rocks!!!

Tempesta, Bostaph, and John Dette will always be my favorite Testament drummers. Lombardo and Hoglan are incredible but I never really viewed them as members. They were just hired guns for short stints with the band.
I'd love to see Mike Portnoy but I know that's not realistic, yet not impossible. If I had first choice out of everyone I've seen play with the band it would be John Tempesta, his style has always fit.
According to a recent Skolnick tweet it looks like Gene Hoglan is penciled in as the drummer for the upcoming tour and possibly for future Dark Roots touring. I'm ecstatic to hear this great news. Gene is incredible. I wish he would just join the band permanently but with all his other side projects going on I doubt it.
Awwwww yeah

At least I'll be seeing a good drummer at the end of the month. Now if they break out Demonic Refusal *crosses fingers*