Paul Reed Smith


Here comes the apple, zed
Oct 13, 2005
Vancouver Island.
Just out of curiosity, I've been playing for nearly 2 and a half years now, and I wanted to know, how much does a PRS Custom 24 generally go for. I don't have the experience nor the cash to even consider investing in one right now, but I would really like to know.

On E Bay, PRS guitars go anywhere from 3 - 16,000 :eek:
Christ me... they sound awesome, but I dont think I'de be willing to pay quite that much. I've heard some of your stuff around here, and (assuming its you) I was browsing the Amon Amarth forum, and found a cover of 'Pursuit of Vikings.' What are you using?
Well, no matter, it all sounds really good. Anyhow, thanks for the comment about the PRS. Perhaps when I get a few more years of practice, and a little bit more cash I'll consider getting one :)

Untill then, this old ESP should do fine.
I don't know. I feel that if you want to invest in a PRS, you invest in it because it's the best... you don't want some low-end model which gets overshadowed by japanese import guitars (low-end Jacksons/ESP etc.).

Wait till you're rich, then go crazy. That's all I can say.
Hmm, damn expensive here in Oz, I guess they are everywhere though. But with most gear we tend to get the blunt end of the stick.
Damn nice looking bits of kit though.
Look at a bellman if you can. I think its the only guitar that measures up to what a PRS can do and what they are good at. They are aussie guitars so i dont know how accessable they are to you.
i have been able to find some custom 24's for under 2200 that are new, and then a friend of mine gets a discount at a local store because he shops there so much, and they carry any PRS you can find. I really want a custom 24, but i also would love to have a gibson sg standard, and i finally have the money to decide on which one
EchoOfAutumn said:
I really want a custom 24, but i also would love to have a gibson sg standard, and i finally have the money to decide on which one

Please go for the PRS. A) It looks 80 times better, and the style is in no way dated, whereas the SG just looks like a relic. B) most importantly, the sound of the PRS is wonderful, fat but not muddy, smooth sustain. Very nice neck, comfortable to play. Plus you can play any style on it, the tone can fit so many emotions and musical styles.
I agree with Moonie. If you're going to buy a guitar in that price range it should probably be thought of as an investment. There are lots of good cheap guitars that will never go above face value but brands like prs and gibson are likely to increase. That said you absolutely don't need a 3,000 dollar guitar to get good tone and playability. I've played plenty of gibsons that play and sound like a 200 dollar guitar.

edit: actually, most guitars at guitar center play badly anyway until set up properly.
I was kinda wondering whether to buy myself a Gibson Les Paul Custom or some PRS or even a ESP. One thing was certain it was going to be that traditional Les Paul shape (or close..). And cut a long story short I placed an order for Ruokasgas Duke guitar ( some week ago and I should be getting the finished guitar in few months. Sure the waiting time is a bit longer than with the usual brands, but now I get exactly the guitar I want with impeccable build quality.

Check out their web site. Lotsa cool pics of guitars they've done and I surprisingly addictive virtual workshop feature.

And check out the carvings on this thing : . A fucking beauty.
Thanks for all of the feedback. I think i probably will save up for a good PRS, maybe even one of the 20th anniversary's, which is so unlike me getting any anniversary or sig series, the inflight bird inlays are awesome and better looking than the standard birds. But, i am going to go to the local Guitar suck Center this weekend and play and see which one sounds and plays better
EchoOfAutumn said:
Thanks for all of the feedback. I think i probably will save up for a good PRS, maybe even one of the 20th anniversary's, which is so unlike me getting any anniversary or sig series, the inflight bird inlays are awesome and better looking than the standard birds. But, i am going to go to the local Guitar suck Center this weekend and play and see which one sounds and plays better

Well congrats on the decision. One thing to keep in mind too is that the price and specific model might not mean it is the best. Try sampling all of the PRS' you like the color of, etc., regardless of price (obviously not above your range), etc., and see which one plays the best, feels the best, and sounds the best. At a Guitar Center here I was playing some a few months ago and the salesman goes, "you want to know what's crazy?" I say sure, and put down the $3500-4000 PRS I'm playing (it was about the third I'd played that day). He brings over this very plain looking grey one which was I think right around the $2000 mark, I think around $1800. He says, "This is the best sounding one we have". And he was right, best tones, best playability, etc. Just goes to show you.
I have a PRS Custom 24 20th Anniversary Artist on order. I should be getting it in a few months..I highly recommend PRS for anyone who is interested. They are the best sounding and most versitle guitars out today.