PC drive partition software


Dec 14, 2003
Brookfield, VIC, Australia
So doing a quick Google search on partition software brings up a few options. Is there any particular software or process for partitioning drives that is prefered or should be avioded?

Just asking as I'd like to partition two drives while I have WIndows running, then instal Windows once I know the partitioning is done correctly.
I noticecd that area when I searched "partition" though I can't interperate their options for the one that will do the partition. Do you have to use the format option to be given the option to partition?
The in-built one in Windows 7 is actually really good - it lets you alter your current partitions without formatting them, which is great. It also means you can definitely create them without having to format the drive.

I'm in XP at the moment so I can't tell you exactly how it works, but I'm pretty sure it's just a case of right-clicking on the relevant drive and selecting "add partition" or whatever it's called.

I'm pretty sure it's just a case of right-clicking on the relevant drive and selecting "add partition" or whatever it's called.


I would be failing pretty hard at life if I couldn't figure that out :lol:

When I right click I get the following options:
Open, explore, change drive letter and paths, format, extend volume, shrink volume, delete volume, properties, help.
"Mark partition as active" is also writen but grey and not selectable.
Partition Wizard Business Edition for XP. It's free and works great.
I have one drive with 2 partitions, one for general use and one for recording, and another drive for all my data. To get the partitions I was in a position where re-formatting was fine, so I put in the XP disk and reformatted, then reinstalled XP, and when it asked to create a partition I created one that was half the disk size. Then when that install was finished, I installed XP again, and when it asked for me to choose or make a partition, I made one on the other half of the disk. Very easy to do if you dont mind the reformatting.
the GParted Live Disk is awesome.

so handy for shrinking/expanding/creating/deleting/moving partitions without having the computers OS running

This, I was just about to suggest GParted Live CD.

Just be sure you know what you're doing or you could fuck up badly. :)
if you accidentally delete the wrong partition, format your c drive to HFS+, delete your windows system reserve and then wonder why your pc won't boot etc etc etc

linux lets you do everything, things that windows blocks for the reason of not demolishing your computer. However, you do have to actually DO them, it's not gonna break it for you.

If you do choose to do it with gparted, get parted magic as it has basic internet in case you need any addons to gparted in order to do what you want. Hit me up on msn if you need any advice or if you hit any problems.
Honestly what Dan needs to do is not complicated whatsoever. In fact it's something the Windows 7 installer allows you to do quite easily. You can make all your partitions right there, and install away. Seriously, only women get this shit wrong. There's no need to bring Gparted or Linux into it!