Pc Owns It All

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New Metal Member
Jan 1, 2003
First time poster for this forum.But i wanted to say that x-box ps2 gamecube all are kids toys! UnrealTournament2003 is by far the best game to rock the web this year! if yr on a pc , why would you even dream hookin up to go live and play unreal championship!?!?! I would like to also add that i am on a team {†Ðã Ðã†} and we own on alot of netgames, i run a dedicated voice server and our team holds a dedicated server for ut2k3... wanna check us out? wanna play the best team on the net? wanna be my next knotch on my flack cannon? drop us a line dada_shift@msn.com or hit my site and email me http://www.dada-shift.net or visit the team site at http://www.teamdada.com
alright enough of that....Anthrax rox and always will, i am a true metal head , and the guyz in anthrax has always been my favorite..im a huge fan of scotts riffs without scott there is no anthrax..or S.O.D. for that fact just wanted to shout that out! And MTV needs a metal show and scott should host it cuz lets face it, metal is here..never has gone away and never will, it has layed dormate for some time now out of the public eye,,But we are coming back !!! LATER
oh yeah and i know about computers. My RAM is good, system recources arent being stressed, i have a good graphics accelorator, a good processor, but the only thing that is holding me back is dial up, so you think i would be straight with UT2k3?? looooooooved UT.
personally...i am on cable....never have had dial up...so i cant say...but..i do know this....you get the short end of the stick..or shall i say....my missle gets you first..lol and our server is set to boot anyone with a ping over 160.... :{ but if you wanna play to check it out...drop me a line i have administrative rights and will keep you from gettin booted :}
Originally posted by SLAYER85
you dont get lag or anything?!?!?! all my games in past have lagged to helllllllllllllll
You just have to find some good servers, make sure you have plenty of RAM, get a good fast video card, and get a good high-end 56k modem and you'll be in business. Nothing beats high-speed of course but if your like me and that's not an option (i live way out in the country where there are no cables and my sat. provider doesn't offer dsl yet) with a little trial and error and the right stuff it can be done. I havn't been able to play Medal of Honor AA on a modem though:mad: that's by far my favorite online game but Soldier of Fortune II is damn close to as good and it runs fine and unreal runs even better then that. I usually get between 120 and 300 ping and often beat the pants off people with 50 or less ping so.....
dial up can get adequate speeds as much as cable or DSL you just have to do certain things and have a good modem and live in a good area for it. I have cable but out here my ping fluctuates alot. It ranges from 32 to 200. I sold UT2003 I couldn't play most of the time. on certain levels I would fire my rocket and then see it launch 2 minutes later. We had to get satelite out here too cause cable just sucks. maybe DSL would do better out here....
I'm a gaming freak.
Had cable, moved out to the sticks, assuming DSL was available everywhere. NOT.
Only one company where I'm at has dial up, that is a local call, telephone system is crap. Cannot connect any fucking faster than 21k!
Telephone system is so old, we can't even get caller id!
If I'd known this shit before hand, I would've never moved.
My latest addiction is WarcraftIII & Neverwinter nights. They both rock.
Originally posted by Lordlindsey
I'm a gaming freak.
Had cable, moved out to the sticks, assuming DSL was available everywhere. NOT.
Only one company where I'm at has dial up, that is a local call, telephone system is crap. Cannot connect any fucking faster than 21k!
Telephone system is so old, we can't even get caller id!
If I'd known this shit before hand, I would've never moved.
My latest addiction is WarcraftIII & Neverwinter nights. They both rock.

I totally feel your pain dude. I can get caller ID in my area(as of last year) but we still don't have call waiting!!! I connect at 26.4 and thats with a super good modem and a maxed out PC.