Pc Problems


Jun 4, 2006
My pc was running fine this morning.. then i was running a PT session and it crashed on me, so i CTRL + ALT + DLT and restarted the pc, now its screwed and wont come on... it just comes on with a black screen saying ''NTLDR is missing press CTRL + ALT + DLT to restart''

If you press CTRL + ALT + DLT it just happens again and again ...

Does ANYBODY have ANY idea what the hell has happened to my pc :S:S
I've seen this error before, you'll have to use the windows disc to boot up and go to the repair console. Then copy the ntldr from your cd across to your hdd.
If this dosen't work you could have a bad Master boot record. Just go to the same place and type fixmbr.

The computer might have been writing to the mbr or something when it crashed and fucked it up... hopefully nothing too much to worry about.
I didn't get a Boot CD with my pc, because XP was built into the system :|
And i can't even get onto the pc to create a Boot disc somehow...
thats why people buy mac!

No, actually-it's not.

This is why people learn to have a copy of any of software they use. Especially an operating system. Kind like how my girlfriend spent half her day monday reinstalling the operating system..................ON HER MAC.

To the OP- Borrow someone elses OS disk it's a common and easy fix.
I think maintenance is the issue. Easy on a mac thats for sure. I have an old G4 blue and grey and it has never crashed or pulled one of those funky I can't get in my system tricks on me. I also have a G4 QS MDD it also has never gone down on me yet. My G5 is awesome, it being a lot newer has not gone down as of yet. On the other hand my crappy dell has been rebooted several times and so has my sony. That says a lot to me based on personal experience. Even if it did go down, I would not loose a dam thing unless the hard drive breaks which would suck but I got back ups. It should never take 1/2 a day to reboot a mac. It is a lot faster rebooting a MAC than a PC. My OPINION.
And since it works for you is exactly why you should use it. This childish cult mentality with some computer users just gets really tired. It's a pain in the ass to have to wade through the inevitable 500 "Macs R so fvkin kewl OMG" replies the second anyone mentions a windows system. No one asked about a mac, they obviously don't want one. They want input from other users.

I've been a system specialist for 14 years. I've worked on both. They have up and downsides. This myth that macs, don't crash, collapse, etc is bullshit and everyone honest knows it.

Whatever works for you is the thing to chose. The asinine non answers to queries and mac cheering only shows that the poster is still in the 13 year old "im part of the cool club" mentality and needs to proclaim it everywhere. I can't help but wonder how much steve jobs would have to pay on the street for all the free felatio his cult like followers give him. Thankfully there are a majority of rational people who own one platform or the other.

At the end of the day the machine is still a tool, and if you need to cheerlead for a company like a fucking scientology lecture from Tom Cruise, then so are you.
Under stood. I'm not coming from "This childish cult mentality" I own both and simply commented on my experience. Sometimes there is better tools than other tools, but then again preference comes in to play as well. My initial post was just having fun or making light of things because I do feel bad that bensnookes has this problem. I my self have been trough this several times. Mac do crash thats the truth, thats why I mentioned maintenance. I have rebooted several Macs, just not my own. I would have offered advice but it was taken care of before I even posted.

Take it easy where all friends here. :kickass:
I'm not looking to cause a big thing, and actually my comments weren't directed at you personally, more at some others.

I've been in 4 threads here all of which eventually got turned into that pointless mac fan posting. I just wanted to voice a little displeasure and a plea for some maturity.:)
No, actually-it's not.

This is why people learn to have a copy of any of software they use. Especially an operating system. Kind like how my girlfriend spent half her day monday reinstalling the operating system..................ON HER MAC.

To the OP- Borrow someone elses OS disk it's a common and easy fix.




It's hilarious.


I fucking love Vista, I really do. It's seriously the best operating system I've ever used, no joke.
I'm not going to get into it. The audio stack is all different and stuff so drivers have to be changed/rewritten for it, but most stuff is stable as hell on my system. I've only recently encountered problems because I install and uninstall so much shit all the time it's unbelievable. If this were purely an audio workstation without extra programs, files, and a connection - I strongly feel that it would be the best experience I've ever had with a computer.

But basically when people complain about computer problems I just want to tell them that If they can't troubleshoot their computer, just use a standalone unit. srsly.
Regarless of OS I don't know why more people don't use a quick recovery setup like acronis.

I installed my operating system once, put in all my software, drivers, tweaks and made an image with acronis.

I never had a serious crash, but last time i upgraded my disk, I used my restore image and had my system online, exactly as it was in 6 minutes.

It's a life saver. I can't imagine having something go wrong with my audio system and not have that instant backup.