Peace sells, again?

Priest of Evil

Adores the Number 666
Dec 1, 2005
Metal Edge: What can you tell me about the new guitarist, Chris Broderick?

Mustaine: Chris is a phenomenal player. He's really aggressive, he's got strong hands, the solos sound remarkably like Marty Friedman and remarkably like Chris Poland, and those are areas that every one of the predecessors had difficulty with. I told Chris last night, he was down here at our studio, and I told him, "I feel kinda like Ozzy felt when he discovered Randy [Rhoads]." I feel that kind of excitement right now, like the next record is gonna have that kind of dynamic, explosive music on it, because I've always had guitar players who were my equals; in their own right, as a lead guitar player, they should be the equal to any other member in their band, but I feel that Chris has so many other things he's gonna be able to bring to me to dig from, because being a classical and jazz guitar player, those are things that MEGADETH really has influences from but doesn't have any formal training in. So I keep thinking, "Oh my God, is it possible that we're gonna go back to the formidable years with jazz and classical influences, and maybe sound like we did when we did 'Peace Sells' and those more heavily jazz- and classical-influenced thrash technical records that everyone loved and would kill to have another one of?"
Oh my God, is it possible that we're gonna go back to the formidable years with jazz and classical influences, and maybe sound like we did when we did 'Peace Sells' and those more heavily jazz- and classical-influenced thrash technical records that everyone loved and would kill to have another one of?"

At least he's got the right idea! Give us what we want! Of course I wouldn't have been able to define it as jazz and classical influenced thrash... I just know it was good stuff!


May the lords of light enlighten Dave to do so. :kickass:
Well, remember that Poland and Samuelsson were in a jazz band prior to Dave recruiting them for Killing, and Peace Sells.
Speaking of that Chris Poland solo albums are great (except maybe "Rare Trax"), highly recommended.
I have Return to it. I saw him in his other band, Damn The Machine years ago...I think it was around 93-94, with his brothe on drums.
I have Return to it. I saw him in his other band, Damn The Machine years ago...I think it was around 93-94, with his brothe on drums.

There´s also Ohm, but I hadn't check it yet.
Chris is definitely a technically proficient guitarist but his stuff in Jag Panzer was a bit too much on the pointless noodling department IMO. Nobody will ever top Marty but whatever. Can't recall ever hearing a Megadeth album with shit lead guitar and I'm sure this won't be the case with the next one either.

I know that quote is just Dave-talk but I do hope they won't go back to Peace Sells because it's not really one of Megadeth's strongest efforts... UA was rather lifeless but if they get back to TSHF quality I'm happy.
I know that quote is just Dave-talk but I do hope they won't go back to Peace Sells because it's not really one of Megadeth's strongest efforts...

I disagree I think it's the best album after RIP. But I'll be happy if they return at least to the "Youthanasia" point.
Even though I'm a HUGE Megadeth fan, it's come to the point where I just don't care who's in the band. There have been constant lineup changes ever since Nick Menza (drums) left the band. Let's face it, Megadeth is really just Dave Mustaine's solo project with a revolving door of players, much like Whitesnake with David Coverdale. This is not a bad thing since the last 2 Megadeth albums have been really good.
The only good news here is that Dave hints at the possibility of returning to the Peace Sells/Rust In Peace style that everyone craves.
Right. This sounds like the typical Dave Mustaine honeymoon phase type bullshit that we have heard with all his past members...

It sounds like it isn't it? :erk:

BTW, I love your new avatar. Vlad rules!
Nobody will ever top Marty

Marty is a fantastic player, but Pitrelli already topped him. Song writing abilities is arguable, but there's no way Pitrelli is the lesser guitarist in the technical department.

Peace Sells because it's not really one of Megadeth's strongest efforts

On the contrary, I'd argue it to be among their finest moments. Production was great, as were the songs. Black Friday, Peace Sells, Wake Up Dead... need I say more?