Peace Sells > Rust In Peace....why don't people agree?


Pepsi Fiend
Jul 24, 2003
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I seriously have a hard time understanding why people think RIP is better than PSBWB. Peace Sells is faster, more aggressive...fuck it's just more metal. How anyone can compare Polaris to My Last Words goes right over my head....Polaris feels like a fucking walk through a field of flowers compared to the gnarly guitar and raw feeling of speed in My Last Words.....and when it comes to opening an album, Ill admit Holy Wars kicks ass but it didn't come close to topping Wake Up Dead, especially when it comes to solos.

I think Rust in Peace is a bit more of a mature offering overall. Megadeth were both at their peak in terms of songwriting and technical ability. The album even has a somewhat unique sound as far as thrash albums are concerned. Peace Sells...But Who's Buying? is certainly their second best album, however.
I guess it has better overall songwriting in some points, but others just give me that 'blah' feeling. But let's also take into account I'm a nut for that raw, fast and thrashy sound PEace Sells delivered. :)
come on!!!
RIP is the best thrash album ever for 10 reasons:

holy wars
hangar 18
Take No Prisoners
Five Magics
Poison Was The Cure
Tornado Of Souls
Rust In Peace... Polaris
Marty Friedman
Dave Mustain
Nick Menza

peace sells is megadeth's second best :headbang:
I totally agree, peace sells is a much better album in my opinion. One, Chris Poland is a very interesting guitarist, much more so than marty, he is jazzier, more aggressive, and he has that weird sound ive not heard from anyone else. Two, the album is more aggressive, more emotional, jazzier, and a bit more psychotic, than the far too technical rust in peace. I cant wait to get the new remaster, as i would like to hear what Samuelson really sounded like on drums- the remaster of Killing was my business was a revelation of samuelsons abilities.
Peace Sells... is my favorite Megadeth album, followed by Killing Is My Business...
Metal is Religion said:
Peace Sells... is such a stupid song. i like megadeth, but i think that song so so dumb. the lyrics are so not metal, i cant help but laugh at them everytime i hear them.

Yeah the lyrics are kind of dumb in some parts, but it's a different concept for a song and I enjoyed it overall, cool solo and I liked the way they opened the song, with the bass then the guitar goin and shit. Still think if you're going to do a bass solo do something more impressive than that.
Holy Wars is the greatest thrash metal song of all time...period dot. Dave's solo at the end is fuckin' mindblowing and builds to a peak that feels like a fuckin' orgasm. It's the perfect thrash metal song on the perfect thrash metal album.